Monday, October 17, 2016

A New Baby and a Black Cat

Good morning...

How was your weekend?
 DH gained a long awaited for granddaughter "Felicity Lucy"
We don't have any photos yet - His eldest son and DIL live in Derbyshire and they have been trying for a baby for many years ... Felicity was their 5th and final IVF attempt...

"Mum to be" went in to the hospital on Thursday morning and the baby wasn't born until 2pm on Saturday! Though it was a normal delivery, the baby was so big (10lbs) that poor mum ended up in the O.R. for 2 hours and lost 4 pints of blood.  I'm sure you can imagine what our weekend has been like... 
Mum is still in the HDU but recovering well and baby is doing fine.

I managed to steal a few hours in my craft room and did a rough sketch with a fine liner on ordinary CS and did some watercolouring

My friend is sick and this is for her ... She is also a cat lover and it was her house that Missy turned up at, after trying to find her owners without success, she kept her but Missy didn't get along with her own cats hence we took her. 
 So I attempted to draw a cat like Missy looking out of a window

It's not perfect but I know my friend will love it

Have yourselves a great day ... I'll be back tomorrow

~ Ros ~