Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday Club

Hello everyone....

Thursday Club starts again today after a rather extended Easter break and I am so looking forward to seeing everyone again.
To explain what Thursday club is, well, it is a weekly rendezvous for people 18 - 60+ who are mentally and physically challenged....
It was set up many years ago by the lovely Lynne Lloyd and her late husband Kenny... having a daughter with special needs (the beautiful Jenny) they recognised that there was a great need for somewhere that people like Jenny could go to in the evening and enjoy themselves in the company of their friends. It also meant that carers were given some relief too. 
All sorts of things developed from there and we have discos, outing and holiday breaks ... there are no words that can justify the love and kindness provided by all the volunteer workers here... their dedication and warmth is beyond words....
I was introduced to the club some years ago - in fact I was asked to go along and maybe provide some ideas for their handicrafts group. To say I had no idea what I was going into, would be an understatement!
But on the first night I was blown away by it all ... I knew that any progression from colouring books and scrapbooks, would be beneficial, but how would I do it? We have a limited time - maybe 1hr or 90mins max - they in turn have limited abilities.
But these people had captured my heart ... it was love at first sight for me....
So I went away and thought long and hard and decided that if I made the bulk of the project .. then my group could assemble things (with a little help) and have something nice to take home.
It started small - cards and such - then we progressed - we grew together...
Each week I would come up with another project... or my friend and colleague Lynn would bring something....
Not only have we made unlimited amounts of cards, gifts, albums, jewellery, notebooks etc., etc., but my group has grown so big that it is often standing room only!
One of the best things of all is seeing how happy everyone is, how eager, and seeing so much change in some of them. 
For me it is one of the best things I ever did .... I can never explain in words just how my heart sings when I am there... the love and joy in all its purity.

I have made a couple of cards to share today - little vintage ones made from some of my scraps...

 These images are from Print shop on my computer ... sweet aren't they.

For tonight I have prepared 20+ kits of these little guys.....

These are little plastic 'take out' boxes which are meant to hold your crafting bits ... I filled them with sweets and the Raccoon is from the very talented Lauren Meader here ... 
Off to prepare some cards for my group now ... phew!

Thanks for stopping by



  1. Just lovely! I have that same rose paper. Old Anna Griffin paper. :) Oldies but goodies. The print shop images are beautiful! I am jealous. I have a couple links on my side bar that have wonderful vintage images if you need more.

  2. All so pretty! The Vintage cards and the cute raccoon.


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