Thursday, May 06, 2010

Glitter and pastels..

Just a quick post today as I am busy sorting things for Club night...

A card to share which I did for 2 challenges this week ....

This is the picture posted by lovely Melissa Phillips ( courtesy of Miss Leslie of A Creative Mint) - you can find it here...       All pretty pastel colours, sweet and fresh...

And the Shabby Tea Room has Bling challenge ......Glitter, Glitter and more Glitter!!  (here) - you seriously need to pop over and have a look at the lovely creations here.

My card....

Oodles of glitter.... on my card on my nose, all over the craft room .... ah!

Have a lovely day everyone

Till soon



  1. GOR-JUS!!!! I simply {heart} every little thing about your desing this week, Ros! The embossing, the glitter, the flower, the polka dots - wonderful! Thanks for sharing your talents with us all in the Tea Room this week :)

  2. Very pretty Ros! Love all the textures especially that glittered butterfly!

  3. Oh wow, this is stunning! Love the soft tones, the butterfly, the flowers, the embossing, I really love this one Ros!

  4. So pretty! Especially the glittery butterfly and lace border. :)

  5. So pretty! Love the ribbon treatment, the colors, the embossing. Thanks for playing along with us at The Shabby Tea Room! :)

  6. This is beautiful! Love the flower and the ribbon and everything about this. Thanks for playing along with us at the Tea Room.

  7. Love the ribbon along the bottom. And the flower is beautiful!

  8. the use of the pretty.....and that butterfly, well it is just yummy!!!


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