Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I'm so thrilled...

......To have won the City Crafters Challenge "Here Comes The Bride"..... and so very grateful for all your lovely comments about my little vintage horseshoe...THANK YOU!!

I know there are loads of challenges out there in "Blogland" that I haven't as yet visited, but those that I do enter are not just because I like to craft and be challenged... they are honestly the sweetest bunch of people...... And I look forwards each day to reading each and every blog.

I have been so very busy these past few days... So many birthdays this month and I am going away for a week next Tuesday (Yeh, I know)... so I am trying my best to fit everything in. Thankfully  I have done all the cards and posted most of them.....I like to put nice inserts in them and personalise the verses too which takes time... And  I have completed my project for Thursday club..... 
Yesterday I had a friend over for the day - she wants to make a scrapbook for her Grandchildren and needed some pointers. Well you know us crafters... once someone asks you about your passion... the hours fly and I am sorry Lin if I sent you home reeling from information overload... 

This is a card I have just done for my friend and neighbour Helen.......

Yep, she is the big five "O"..... and just one of the nicest people ..... She actually loves animals as much as me and in particular, cats - so I had to put one in there ....

 This lil' cat is made from wood and covered in material so he would be easy to make into a brooch too.

Well I said I was going away again and yes, I am fortunate to be going back to Majorca. I hate to leave my home empty whilst I am away so Mikey will be here and I know that America is calling to him... so I thinks that he will be gone again soon..... (sigh)
So I hope to be able to do a few more postings before I leave and maybe even fit in a challenge or two if I can......

Till soon my lovely friends



  1. This is so beautiful.. She is going to love it! And of course I love the little cat!

  2. Another lovely card! Just love your soft, vintage style. Congrats once again! Don't be gone too long, we will miss you! (sent your prize out today!)


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