Thursday, June 10, 2010

Play Date Cafe Challenge........

Just a very quick post this evening .... 
The Play Date Cafe have a new challenge and the very talented Mona Pendleton of Cupcake Creations
has set a beautiful colour challenge.....

That bed looks so divine!!
Anyway here is my challenge entry......

Another cute lil' fairy.... 
Please hop over to see the lovely creations by the DT at Play Date Cafe  - they are so pretty.

Well I've had a really busy day and now I have to go to my crafting group, so I love you and leave you

Till soon



  1. She is so beautiful Ros. I love the sentiment you chose for her. :)

  2. awww..... how sweet is this! I love girly thing and you make perfect girly things Ros! Great job!

  3. Thank you for being open to disabling the word really does make it so much easier for ALL the challenge design teams to comment.
    This is so sweet and such a fab representation of this week's colors!

  4. Beautiful! Love your fairy! So sweet and all the lacy bits and pieces are gorgeous! Thanks for playing along with the PDCC this week!

  5. Such a pretty card! Those blue flowers look great! Thanks for playing along with the Play Date Cafe :)

  6. LOVE the sweet fairy and the sentiment is just Perfect!

  7. Lovely card, cute image! Thanks for playing at the PDCC.

  8. Such a pretty card, really soft and delicate. I love the sentiment too, it's perfect! Thanks for playing along with us at the Play Date Cafe!

  9. So cute and pretty, Ros! Love the softness to this! Thanks for playing with the Play Date Cafe!!

  10. I love it! I love love love it! Ilove the kraft paper behind and the flowers with tulle....that fairy is GORGEOUS:) I love it! Thanks for joining in the fun at the PDCC:)

  11. Your flower fairy is perfect for this challenge. Great to have you playing along at the cafe :)

  12. Estou olhando seu blog e admirando seus trabalhos! LINDO!


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