Sunday, July 11, 2010

Bird house Card

Hi there....
hope all is well with you....... I've been busy these past few days... had family over today which meant that my posting was late....
I needed to make a card for a friend who has just moved house and I was inspired by the challenge this week at  the Play Date Cafe ... what a pretty picture and so many colours to choose from!

This is what I came up with....

A house shaped card which can be found Here .......
I know this picture looks greenish... but the paper is from Basic Grey (Cupcake range) and I can assure you it has quite a bit of bright yellow in it so I don't know why that is.

Just a little close up so you can see the lovely lace, ric-rac, ticket and even the blue flowered button which all come from my dear friend Kirsty ... you can get these from her Etsy shop Here.

Enjoy your weekend my friends and thank you so much for your lovely comments ...
Till soon



  1. WOW, lovely birdhouse card! I bet your friend loves it! Thanks for the ads! : )

  2. Gorgeous home shaped card Ros! How unique! Thanks so much for sharing the link :) Love the shimmery letters!

  3. I love your bird house.. I just did the same challenge, I just love those colors.. I hope you have a nice evening..


  4. Lovely house shaped card, Ros! Thanks for playing with the Play Date Cafe this week!!

  5. Wonderful shaped card, thanks for playing at the PDCC.

  6. This is a fabulous shaped card Ros. Love the color combo. :)

  7. Hi Ros !!! this is sooo cute. The flowered button is very pretty.

  8. What a fun house! Love how you used the flower as the opening on your house. So cute! Thanks for playing along with us at the PDCC!


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