Thursday, July 01, 2010

Home again...

Hello there, I have missed you all so much..... missed playing with my papers and glitters and glue... missed being able to check in on everyone, seeing your creations and being invited into your lives.... 

I didn't get chance to thank City Crafters Challenge for my Spotlight award on this challenge... I really didn't expect this as my entry was a bit of fun, but nevertheless I am very grateful and well done to all the other winners.

Ok... so as you know I have been back to my favourite hotel in Palma Majorca.. and this is the view of the bay from my balcony....... You may be able to see Palma Cathedral over to the left ... it is truly a beautiful view and at night when the lights all around the bay are lit and the cruise liners are lit... well it is just wonderful. 

This is the little harbour which is a lovely walk and though you can't see them from here, there are a couple of pretty bar/restaurants down there too.

Another view of the little harbour with our hotel in the background... see ... Hotel Majorica?

And this is part of the terrace where I take my Cappuccino... with cream!

Ok... me in my favourite place.......

Yep... the pool! I am not really a sun-worshipper at all but I go very brown just from walking around and swimming.... Just can't take the heat.......
Now I don't like to have my picture taken... I am my biggest critic, and once I got to fifty... well I liked it even less... now in my late fifties I am very camera shy.. but just for you - here is one of me on the terrace with my capuccino......

So ok no zooming in!! .....  just look at those crinkly eyes .... No!.. Don't!

Oh! And I have to show you this... See, it is a fair walk down to the bus stop (Hubby won't allow me to take taxis.... but we wont go there) and this tree has always afforded me shelter from the heat as we wait for the bus... each time I go back I always say "hello tree" (mad - I know!) and as you can see, this time my lovely tree was in full bloom and so so pretty ... much better than all the other trees around, so I think she likes me talking to her.

And finally just one of my hubby too.... We won't tell him though he! he!

.......And I get home to see my beautiful son is even more brown than me! ... Been sitting in the garden and his legs are soooo brown I'm jealous!

Well, I hope to get back to you all when I have had time to get my crafting stuff out ... been a few family problems back home so I have been a bit way laid...

Till soon



  1. I am so jealous. Next time I am going with you. That place looks amazing. The tree is beautiful. I have missed you and I am glad you are back. You look so pretty. I think we are our biggest critic. :)

  2. Hi Ros !!! Wow it looks you had a great vacation. Palma de Majorca is a really nice place. I spent some days there ages ago (about 10 years ) it was so relaxing and nice. Thanks for posting your matter what you say you look very nice :D sometimes we're too harsh on ourselves.

  3. Oh Ros oh Ros, how wonderful to have a vacation like this, lucky you! You do look good, and very relaxing! Good for you! Thanks for sharing these beautiful vacation pictures! Glad that you are back, we miss you a lot!


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