Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My busy Hands

This is my 2nd post today - details of the City Crafters Challenge are in my first post ... just scroll on down.

I told you I had been busy ... my mind whirling with thoughts and inspiration, and you gotta just go with the flow sometimes ...  I saw this beautiful picture - the inspiration for The Shabby Tea Room Challenge

So last night I sat and created this little hanging piece ....

I started with chipboard from an album and painted and glittered the edges then added a background of Websters pages and  a vintage postcard .... Little handmade roses mixed with leaves, twigs and flowers from my stash ...  see the little eggs in my birds nest? I had so much fun making this ... Do you like?

I have just finished another project so will share with you soon ....

keep safe



  1. Yes, Ros, I LOVE it! How clever of you to make a wall hanging instead of a card. I love 'out of the box thinking'!!! So much vintage charm and the sweet little eggs in the nest just are the icing on the cake :) Thanks for sharing your talents with us in the Tea Room :)

  2. Oh my Ros, this one just blow me aay, this is so so so lovely! I LOVE it! You are just so creative! Ok, gotta run, Linda is coming over to do a little crafting together!

  3. Wow Ros, this is just so sweet! I love all those great embellishments! I know how it feels to HAVE to get an idea out and yours is just beautiful! Thanks so much for playing with us in the Tea Room!

  4. How wonderful! I love this! Love the little green nest, the butterfly, everything!

  5. How beautiful! I love the Webster Pages, butterfly and flowers and that nest tops the cake! Thanks for joining us this week at TSTR! :)

  6. What a fun collage card Ros! Love the bright green birds nest & all the flowers!

  7. Fabulous, this is wonderful.. I just love that little nest.. You are so clever.

  8. Wow, how wonderful! Such a creative and beautiful little hanging! I adore your flowers and the nest with its eggs are fabulous. Love the butterfly, too. Thanks for joining us this week in the Tea Room.

  9. This is very stunning! Love how you combined handmade flowers and others. What did you use for the nest? Congrats on top 3 at the Shabby Tea Room!


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