Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Home Sweet Home ...

I have had a lovely day ... albeit different from what had been originally planned - my friend was due to call ... she needed some crafting advice and I was looking forward to both having a chat and crafting ... alas she could not come as she had a slight accident at the weekend and was not up to it... So I did some chores and then the post arrived ... Look at what my dear friend Kirsty  sent me ...

Aren't I just the lucky one? ... a gift from her visit to CHA and I couldn't be more delighted! We can't get this kind of thing here in the UK and so that and the thoughtfulness of my friend really made my day ... Thank you Kirsty ... from my heart.

 Then with time to spend on myself, I decided I would find my mojo and make something for the Shabby Tea Room challenge .. have you seen this beautiful picture? 

Isn't it just so serene ... and Debbie and the DT have done some beautiful cards ... Yet I knew I didn't want to do a card ... So, inspired by this picture and also by Cherry Nelson's beautiful mini album Here (you have to visit Cherry's blog ... fabulous!)

I created my own ...

(click to enlarge)

I made the templates from cardboard and covered them front and back with papers ....

Lots of embellishments from my stash ... bits of lace and tulle ..... glitter and jewels ...

... cut out hearts ... scrunched seam binding ... little mirror tiles ... black stickers on acetate ....

... butterflies and flowers ... even a little heart charm ....
I have been wanting to make one of these for so long and today for some reason it just all came together ... in all the rich, creamy and yet serene colours that I love.
I hope you like ....
There is something else I think you would like ... the beautiful creations of a blog friend Rebekah of Midnight Lullabies .. she makes such gorgeous shabby albums ... go visit her and leave her some love

Have a wonderful day all my friends in the USA and to all my other lovely friends have a wonderful evening ...



  1. What can I say? Gorgeous, amazing, one of a kind, soooo beautiful.
    Wow Ros; I am impressed. And smitten......Love it!
    Enjoy your day!

  2. First off, how gorgeous, elegant..so much to take in..all the bits a bobs, trims..trinkets...ohhh its love! Love I tell ya! :D
    Secondly, thank you thank you! Such a thoughtful shout out for my blog! I love reading your comments.. they are so uplifting and encouraging
    You have made my day!
    Much Love!! xx

  3. Just beautiful Ros! So shabby and pretty. :)

  4. This is gorgeous! Love the overall look and all the individual goodies embellishing it!

  5. wow Ros... its so lovely....totally.... I love it... the colors the embellishments used... lace ribbons... and all... perfect.... love it... xx

    You so lucky!!!

    have a nice day...

  6. Oh my shabby goodness, Ros! You've outdone yourself this week with this amazing creation! I simply love every single shabby and vintage element you added to your design ... it's fabulous!! Thanks for being one of our 'regulars' each week in the Tea Room :)

  7. Girl you always amaze me. You are so talented. I just love this.. so many wonderful elements, It pure candy for my eyes...

    Hope you are having a wonderful week.. Hugs, Linda

  8. Hi Mikey's Mom! LOL I have to say that I really look forward to your creations each week! You make the most beautiful projects and you've outdone yourself this week! This liitle house is gorgeous with all of it's cute embellishments! Thanks so much for sharing with us in the Tea Room!

  9. Hi Ros... I have received your lovely package and the card... they are so lovely and what a gorgeous card!!!... I heart them dearly.... Thank you so much...You know what...I can't wait to utilise them... ooopsss...actually I've already started using some of it for my LO...:wink...Too hard to resist... Thanks again Ros... I hope you'll received mine soon...take care...xx

  10. Hi Ros, this is just amazing!! Simply gorgeous!! I love it! :)

  11. What a very beautiful and heartfelt project! I love those house shapes and love the colors and papers you've used. All your little details and touches are fabulous. I know you will treasure this always. Thanks so much for sharing this with us at TSTR.

  12. Wow! This is definitely a keepsake project! It's beautiful! Thanks for playing along with us at TSTR! :)

  13. your mini album is so beautiful! I love your embellishments and the pattern papers used! This is definitely getting a bookmark from me to comeback for inspiration! Thanks for sharing!

  14. Your album is gorgeous! I love every inch of it. Beautiful details. Congrats on being one of the top three winners over at The Shabby Tea Room!


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