Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Isn't she lovely ....

Hello and good morning to you all ...
How do you fancy winning a full pad of 6x6 Melissa Frances "Kitchy Kitchen"?... Well you can ...

... at  City Crafter Challenge Blog... hosted by our lovely Linda (soon to be a grandma! he! he!) and sponsored by our very own Kirsty ... (I REALLY would love to win the prize!!) ... our Guest Designer is the very talented Jessy Christopher  and she has done two beautiful examples for us this week ...  for which I am very grateful as my co DT's have all used beautiful pictures of family and friends .. and I  didn't ... neither did Jessy ... so I don't feel left out ... (LOL) 
On to my card ...

She is lovely though isn't she? (actually thinking about it I could have lied ... said it was a picture of me in my youth ... my Grandmother did have one of those telephones ... he he). This is a little bit of a different style for me ... I tend to worry about colours and though I do love vibrant colours - I am a little nervous using them ... It's ok for a challenge 'cos everyone else uses the same ... but I am glad I took the plunge on this ...

This pretty lady is an image from the Print Shop program again ... the sentiment is also computer generated ... 
Please hop on over to see the other DT's samples and come and play along with us this week ... SOMEONE will get that gorgeous pack of MF paper (sigh) ....

Before I sign off I just want to say 'Thank You' ... for all your lovely comments and in particular for my previous post ... You are so lovely and kind and I look forward each day to visiting with you ...
Keep safe



  1. I felt good that I am not left out too. LOL!! Love your vintage image, the girl with the phone... awesome!! You have an amazing blog too and your creations are beautiful!!

  2. She is so lovely... And I just love those colors. I am glad you took the plung..
    My sister has a phone like that and they have it hooked up so it works.. Very cool!
    I hope you have a wonderful day!

    Hugs, Linda

  3. Just beautiful Ros! Don't worry about using brighter colors. You cand and did still make them look shabby and vintage. :)

  4. Ros I'm glad you took the plunge. Another breathtaking creation. It's a very feminine card and I like these vibrant colors. You did a fantastic job ( As always...!!)
    It's a daily pleasure to visit your blog; a lovely place to look, enjoy and getting tons of inspiration. Thanks for showing and sharing another gorgeous creation.
    Have a wonderful day!

  5. You really cracked me up this morning, and i almost believe that is the picture of you when you were young, LOL! Anyway, I love the colors combo, red is something I don't use often, or I should admit that I am not good at it, you did a fabulous job on this, thanks for sharing your beautiful creation with us!

  6. What a darling card Ros! I love the graphic & the your color combo! Oh so pretty!

  7. Ros your card is so pretty, just elegant looking.

  8. What a beautful card Ros... I love the picture used... lovely...and your color combo awesome... Sweet!!...xx

  9. Your card is soo beautiful..Love the image:)

    I put my full card on my blog today for some reason only the close up was showing on my blog!!! sorry about that!!!
    Thanks for stopping by!!
    Have a great Day :)x

  10. Gorgeous card,the colours are beautiful and I just love the image!!!!

  11. Mais uma preciosidade entre seus posts mais antigos!! Pelo jeito voce sempre teve uma ótima mão para o scrap!!


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