Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pretty Hydrangea ...

I made this simple little card for the new challenge at Picture Perfect Creations ... this is the colour combination ...

I love the blue and green together .... brown, I find is often hard to work with when using such soft colours but the DT as always seemed to find it a doddle and did some lovely samples ...
Here's mine ...

I printed the CS first with large dots for the card itself and then with small dots which I cut using my spellbinders and adhered a pretty sticker ... I added blue glitter to the flowers (hope you can pick that up) 
and added some acetate backed silver stars which I had in my stash. Some brown satin ribbon held by a button brad and that's it! 
It's been a wild and wet day here ... blew the covering right off my garden shed! I did try to put it back ... got out the ladder, the hammer and tacks ... managed to throw the cover back on (boy it was heavy) and then it blew off again! which was just as well as I couldn't reach to put the tacks in anyway ... about a foot too short ... at least! So my roof is now soaking wet and the cover nice and dry ...  in the garage ... waiting for my husband to come home from his trip ... Ah well ...
Have a lovely day wherever you are ...



  1. Hola Ros ! Wow I love the flower image on this card so vibrant and the acetate stars are so lovely. Today here in Mexico we have a great party it's our 200 years of independence from Spain. Lots of celebration tonight. Looks like it will rain here too lets hope not as hard as in Liverpool so the party won't be spoil.

  2. Very pretty,I love the little stars and such a lovely cloud combo.
    It's been really windy down here at least we haven't had the rain though.


  3. such a beautiful card, ros! love those colors especially the pretty blues in the image! thanks for sharing and hope the weather calms down in your neck of the woods. have a great thursday!
    *hugs* steph :)

  4. Love it; your bow is gorgeous.

  5. Such a lovely card Ros. Sorry you had such a hard time with your shed. I lost the umbrella to my patio table last summer. We had rain and wind come through and pulled it right out of the center.

  6. Ros...I seriously thought that was painted when I saw it. This is gogeous! LOVE that shade of of my fave flowers. cherry

  7. Ros, this is so pretty, I love that magical touch of the stardust, so whimsical. I also love your "book" project, lovely! Sorry I haven't been too active these 2 days, internet connection is bad here in our NJ apartment, I had to use my husband's laptop to check my stuff, can't wait to get back to my desk!

  8. hey Ros... sorry I've been sick and busy.....

    That card is so pretty ..totally beautiful...


  9. hi! I love those 3 colours- partic cos I have the precise ones in my stash (he he!). Love what you've done with it- the hydrangea sticker is really pretty. Are the stars stickers? Hoping the wind has gone for a while!

  10. It might be a simple card but it stunning..I just love everything you did with it! Your rocked the color challenge this week. Thanks so much for playing at PPC.


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