Wednesday, October 06, 2010

City Crafter Lace and Doily Swap ...

I started back at Practical Philosophy last night ... then woke up to a beautiful sunny morning ... but my day just got even better .. the Postman just brought me a package from my swap partner .. Chriss Blagrave ... all the way from Austin Texas ... heck the closest I'd ever got to Austin Texas was watching films and now here I am receiving beautiful gifts from someone who lives there!! 
And my oh! my what beautiful things I got ... together with a gorgeous handmade card (sigh) ... have a peek ...

What a beautiful doily and cupcake

Fabulous hey? 

Even little felt coasters

How fabulous is that vintage doily? just like my Swiss Nana used to make ...

And another oh so delicate vintage doily ... a doily stamp and paper doilies ...
Chriss I am so grateful for your kindness and generosity ... and a big thank you too - to Kirsty for organising this fun event.
Back soon



  1. This is lovely; I can imagine how happy you are; enjoy them!

  2. This is lovely; I can imagine how happy you are; enjoy them!

  3. Oh Ros, I can sooo imagine the look on your face when these beauties arrived at your doorstep! They're gorgeous and there for you to enjoy so have fun!

  4. Oooohh- lucky lucky you! What a fab surprise- can't wait to see what you do with them. Makes me want to start crocheting!!! X

  5. WOW girly... It look like you hit the jackpot.. I know you will have some fun with those items...

    Hugs, Linda

  6. Hola Ros ! Lovely goodies :D I can imagine all the nice things you're going to create with them. I've been very busy at work and not being able to visit the blogs I like as often as I would like. But thanks a lot for your sweet comment on my recent work it was really nice to read it.

  7. wow you got a lot of beautiful things. I would want to keep them and not use them.......

  8. Such gorgeous goodies,they are too beautiful to use, I would just have to look at them,lol.
    Can't wait to see what you create with them.

  9. oh wow, they are so pretty, love everything I see here, and how lucky to have that vintage doily, looks like you are going to have lots of fun playing with them.

  10. Hi Ross
    You received so pretty and lovely things.
    In love with the Pink Crochet Doily, wow! I need one like that. :-)
    Im your follower.


  11. SCORE! Nothing like getting a package full of goodies. :)

  12. Gorgeous card and what a lovely selection, can't wait to see what you make!! : )


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