Friday, October 01, 2010

Thank you June ...

Sweet June honoured me with this award ... Thank you so much for thinking of me ...

Well versatile is definitely me .... And I have to tell 7 truths about myself .... ok ...
1. I love to create .... anything and everything
2. I love animals and nature
3. I hate any form of cruelty or injustice
4. I am honest and loyal
5. I am organised and tidy but definitely not a neat freak ... ( note to self ... never go to stay with June or Stella) ... (or invite them to stay)
6. I love to help people 
7. I am terrified of heights
I also have to pass this on to 7 other people ... I'm going to pass on this and say that there are too many lovely people out there who have made me smile on many a dark day ... I dedicate this to all of you.

I have a little card to share too .... 

Just using up some scraps .....

Have a lovely day

Till soon


  1. beautiful card, I want to play in your scraps.........

  2. Congrats on your award Ros! So well deserved! This card is so pretty! Love all the pearls combined with that beautiful flower embellishment!

  3. Lovely card, that flower, oh so yummy, love how you beaded the lace too, thanks for sharing, you can come stay with me, I am not a neat freak! LOL!

  4. Congrats with your award Ros, you really deserve it. Your work is awesome. I've been mia for a couple of days, too much work and too little time for crafting I'm afraid, but: weekend's here!
    Have a great one, take care, Ira

  5. Mmmmm pearls and lace.. two of my favourite things! congrats on your blog award too!!

  6. what a beautiful card... I love it Ros...

  7. Congrats on your award. Very sweet card Ros. Love the drippy lace. :)

  8. Love the card using scraps, those are always fun and rewarding! The flower I made had the nine layers and was OK, it just did not look like I wanted. Also My sinus' are really bad this morning from the smell of the fabric. So I probably will not do more. Fun to try the technique though.


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