Saturday, October 23, 2010

WaltzingMouse Challenge

Hi there ...
I hope you are all enjoying your weekend ... We've had a lot of rain and outside it is dull and miserable looking ...
I have 2 cards to share ... both of which I made for the WaltzingMouse Challenge ... not sure if I can enter 2 ... But they are quite different from each other though they are both Christmas cards ... yep, I'm getting into the season now ... This is the sketch ...

... and my first card ....

... Used my long forgotten about embossing folder on this, stamped WM 'Text it' in silver ink on my DP(love those text it stamps) ... WM Compliments of the Season stamp and 'With love' is from WM Victorian Frippery set ... The lovely tree is a digital freebie from Sueli Colbert Here ... all glittered up and buttons and ribbon from my stash.

My next card also uses WM stamps from the same sets as above ...

See? Totally different in style ... more vintage ... the DP is Bo Bunny and double sided which always gives me a dilemma ... as I love both sides... everything else from my stash ... the snowflake is a wooden one that was painted silver but of course I had to glitter it a bit and added a rhinestone ... I like sparkly.

I thought you might like to see a couple of pictures from my trip last week ... these are taken at Bewts-y-Coed in Wales...

You see that row of buildings? well they are the most adorable shops, clothes shops, shoe shops, craft shops, candle shop and cook shop, coffee shops and train museum too ... I know I should really have photographed each shop but I was so busy seeing all the beautiful things ... I kinda forgot till I was leaving ... 

Pretty isn't it ... and this was a rainy day....

Have a lovely weekend my lovely friends ....



  1. Ros I love them both. The first card looks elegant and also "fresh" and I love the elegant and a bit of nostalgic look of the second one. The red poinsetta and snowflake are so so gorgeous....
    Both are a fabulous take on this weeks sketch; I think you are becoming a TOP mouse!

  2. wonderful card, ros! i love the glittered Christmas tree with all those adorable buttons! beautiful colors. love the rich colors and the patterned papers you used in the second one. love that flower and lace. great photos! thanks for sharing and have a great weekend! *hugs* steph :)

  3. And your pictures are gorgeous!!!! I hope to go there someday.....

  4. Two very different cards but both gorgeous. I love the Christmas tree with the buttons and adore the vintage card.
    It's great to see some photo's of your weekend away,it looks very picturesque,I've only ever drove through.

  5. They look very different but they are both beautiful, the first one is happy and cheery to me, and the second is very elegant and festive, well done for both!
    Thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures of Wales, looks like the kind of place I want to visit!

  6. I love them both , absolutely beautiful as always!
    Thank you for joining us again at WMSC

  7. Both cards are beautiful Ros! Love the buttons on the Christmas tree.
    Amazing photos! Looks beautiful there. Love the pretty stone/rock buildings and the water looks so tranquil. I ream of coming to England one day. I have several friends there. ;)

  8. Oh dear Ros! You have been one busy girl! I love both of these cards! That shimmery button tree is darling and the second card is quite elegant! Thanks for sharing the fall photos & for playing along with the WMSC :)

  9. Both cards are beautiful ... But my fave is the 1st one .. It's totally fun ... Gorgeous photos too... xx

  10. I like both of your cards. For most challenges you can enter more than once.
    Your cards are both fresh and vintage, if you know what I mean.
    Very pretty, if I saw them in a shop I would buy them.
    I have been there many times...very beautiful and seeing your photos brought back some nice memories. Thanks
    Have a lovely day
    Sue xx

  11. Both of your cards are exquisite Ros, I love the button details on the first one and the warmth of colours in the second one. And thanks for giving us some more eye candy too, those pics you took in Wales are sooo fab! With such a view it doesn't matter it's raining :-)
    Have a great Sunday, Ira

  12. Gorgeous cards! I love your tree card and allthose buttons are too cute! The snowflake in the poinsetta...just beautiful!

  13. Both cards are lovely, that tree is very festive, as is the beautiful poinsettia card.

  14. Hola Ros ! Ohh I see I've been missing lots of news and creations from your side. But sometimes my work gets really hectic and I have no time to blog hop. :( But here I am trying to catch up. The second card is my favorite is so pretty and vintage looking. Thanks for sharing the pictures from your trip. Enchanting place I'd really like to visit it.

  15. oooh, love BOTH of these!! gorgeous!!

  16. I can smell a winner from a distance :)...... Yes you are a TOP MOUSE!!!!
    Congratulations!You deserved it!!!

  17. Congratulations, Ros on winning sketch #20. Both cards are so so so pretty!

  18. WOOT! Congratulations ... you deserve it!


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