Sunday, November 21, 2010

Christmas memory ...

There are some photographs that are just so special ... they evoke memories and feelings ... fill our hearts with warmth and can transport us back to a time long ago ... to a place of innocence ... where hopes and dreams didn't even come into the equation ... all that mattered was the moment ... the future didn't exist and time was something that only needed consideration when you were waiting for Christmas ... or a birthday ... or some other delight ... 
This picture was taken over 50 years ago ... me with my two older brothers ... It was a Christmas party held in the city by the Press Club .... My Dad worked for Paramount films so we got to go and I can still remember the gift I got from Santa ... a little baking set ... 

My elder brother is helping me to open my gift as my other brother looks on ... the same elder brother who still helps me to this day ... he can fix just about anything ... computers, electrics, plumbing ... We've stayed close ... As siblings we have had our fair share of heartaches ... that was our first and last party with our Dad ... and this photograph the only reminder that it happened .... Special ...

Now it will hang on my wall ... as a reminder of just how far we've come ... of those innocent days and how blessed we are to have each other ... I think it was waiting for this paper from Websters Pages ... the pretty Prima flower and some bits from my stash .... 

... and of course my folded Christmas tree ... made with printed sheet music and glittered ... In case you are wondering ... I printed the word "Remember" onto the paper ... it seemed appropriate ... I think it is also an appropriate entry for the new challenge at Pixie Dust Paperie ... (please click the link for details) ...  Do you have a special photograph? one that speaks to your heart?

Have a wonderful day my blog friends 

~ Ros ~


  1. What a wonderful wall hanging to have Ros. You did a fabulous job with all the details. The tree is perfect. I love that you have taken that special photo with all the memories and made something that you can look at forever. :)

  2. This is beautiufl..Love the Christmas tree made with sheet music and your flower is so pretty!!

  3. What a pretty hanging Ros! Love the scrumptious flower and darling tree!

  4. Such a`` beautiful precious`` photo,what a lovely story :) Ros....
    Those times are so `special` sweet memories,what a beautiful reminder TFI
    Hope your enjoying your weekend;) xxx

  5. Such a beautiful way to record a memory..such a beautiful story.. Im glad you have a snapshot of that memory, so that you can recall it at any glace to the photo.
    Wonderful. It speaks to my heart.

  6. So precious Ros, thanks for sharing the photo of you and your brothers and of course, the beautiful story! So touching! Love this piece of work and the origami christmas tree!Thanks for playing along with Pixie!

  7. Ros this is priceless!! Your story touched my heart. The picture is so lovely to look at and you used the perfect papers and flower for this prohect. I love that tree. Everything is made with care and love; I can see it.
    Look like a winner to me!

  8. This is so that picture and your Christmas tree looks great for the Pixie challenge!

  9. Very sweet memory Ros ... you are lucky to have a wonderful photo such as this to go with it. I keep a photo on my craft table of my Dad and I when I was about 2 years old. It brings me such joy to look at it and remember ... thanks for making me think of it again.

  10. Very Precious one Ros... just divine... love the origami xmas tree and the photo is priceless too

  11. Thank you for sharing your moving story with us Ros, I can imagine that you have special feelings when looking at this picture. Love your card, Ira x

  12. What a heart warming post.. Your creation is beautiful.

    Hugs, Linda

  13. A beautiful blog post, love the wall hanging, gorgeous.
    I've been dying to make one of those origami trees, must make the time!!

  14. Memories are so precious and what a wonderful memory to have. I love your wall hanging,it's beautiful with so much meaning.

  15. WOW♥WOW♥WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! ros, this is ♥AMAZING♥ in every conceivable way: beautiful, inspired & inspiring to look at...and what a wonderful story!!! i am blown away by your artistry!!! ♥♥♥

  16. Oh Ros what a great story thanks for sharing you're so right childhood memories are great those times of no worries and innocence. I just love everything about this page absolutely everything. Gracias for sharing.

  17. Beautiful card Ros...and a truly special photo.

  18. This is so beautiful and so very special. I love the picture. It reminds me of the pictures of my childhood. I too am a baby boomer, born in the early 50's. Th e detail work you did is wonderful. I just love everything about it.


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