Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Cupcake Creations Color Challenge 3

Hello again ... this is my second post today so if you are looking for the CCCB challenge - please scroll down ...
I got time to create a card for my friend's birthday ... I teamed it with the new challenge at Cupcake Creations ... how could I not use this beautiful inspirational picture by the incredibly talented Leslie at A Creative Mint ... I looove her work ... 

Gorgeous and so fresh ... don't you just love those flowers? Anyway this is my card ...

I used 2 different papers and some white card that I stamped on ... a handmade glittered rose, pearls and lace and of course some lovely seam binding ...

Hope you're having a lovely day ....

Till soon



  1. What a lovely color palette, and comes a lovely creation with that.
    There are so many beautiful color challenge I want to play with this week, this is one, and TSTR is having a lilac/purple one, I just can't have enough time in my craft room this week : (
    Just came back last night and leaving for Seattle on Friday, haven't get my CCCB project and Dec Kit Project done, : (

  2. This is so pretty.. It is so soft looking. And the little sentiment is wonderful.. Friends do that..

    Hugs, Linda

  3. Your card is gorgeous, I love green and pink together. The sentiment is so sweet.

  4. Beautiful card, Ros! I love the pinks and greens, such soft colors!

  5. Ros I am never dissappointed when I visit your blog. Gorgeous as always

  6. beautiful palette of colour.. i think you nailed that challenge. Love the glittery rose :)

  7. What a beautiufl card... These colors are beautiful and the touch of lace looks fab!! Great take on the challenge.

  8. Beautiful! Love the soft colors.

  9. What sweet and lovely card Ros...so soothing ...love it...xx

  10. Wow, this is gorgeous and the lovely Spring colours make a real change at this time of year; I love it! :D

  11. It's clear that this is a color scheme ÿou love..... me too :)
    What a lovely card; I love that handmade flower; how do you create these stunning flowers? And your bow...wow!
    Perfect take on the challenge and so many details; I just keep looking at it. I'll add it to my favorites :)

  12. So pretty Ros! Love the beautiful 3D flowers, ribbon and lace! What a sweet sentiment. I am sure your friend will treasure this beauty :)

  13. Isn't it just wonderful to be working with flowers? Lovely quote and superb colours Ros, pretty as usual! Ira

  14. hang on, hang on: did you say *HANDMADE* glittered rose??!?!??! HOLY MOLY! howdidja even DO THAT?!??! ok, i have to scroll down now and see if there's instructions...not that i have a level of instruction-following ability that would ensue in me being able to do it, but still... ♥♥♥♥♥!

  15. Hola Ros ! Thanks so much for your beautiful words I really appreciate them :D I love the handmade rose and that green polka dot paper. Sweet card. Sending you a big hug.

  16. Beautiful! Love the flower, and the crinkly ribbon with the lace is so pretty.

  17. Great job on your flowers. This is stunning. :)

  18. Ros your card is sooo`elegantly beautiful`,you are so Inspiring TFS:)x

    (and thankyou sooo much for replying to my question ,much appreciated for sure) xxxx


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