Sunday, December 26, 2010

Boxing Day

Hello my lovely creative blog friends ... Did you enjoy your Christmas Day? My husband, my son and I had a lovely day together ... We woke up to thick freezing fog and Hubby and I attempted to get to church but the fog was so bad and the car was skidding on the icy roads ... we didn't get far and had to turn around and come back. It was disappointing but the roads here even got closed by the Police because of the ice ... so it was the wise thing to do. Dinner was lovely and then a lazy day followed with phone calls and skyping with family ... 
The lovely Clare  kindly passed on a blog award to me today ... 

Part of accepting this award is to:

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award. Thanks Clare

2. Share 8 things about yourself
3. Pass it on to 8 bloggers
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their award

So 8 things about me ....
1. I love to create ... whether it be with papers, materials, plants, food ... I just love to see something come together.

2. I adore animals ... at one time I had 12 cats and kittens ... some sick - all homeless - that I nurtured back to health, had neutered and either kept or re - homed ...and because my son when he was little was of the same ilk ... I have even 'healed' half dead mice, frogs and once a baby blackbird that didn't even have it's feathers yet! (Yep, hourly feeding day and night!)

3. Every week I hold a craft class at the Bridge Chapel (Thursday Club) teaching mentally and physically challenged adults ... I simply adore them!

4. I am the only one of my siblings to have been born here in Liverpool and stayed here in Liverpool ... my brothers are londoners as were my parents ... 

5. I appear on the .... Yep, had famous family connections (well it's a long story!)

6. I once won a scholarship to a drama school here in Liverpool and attended for a few years ... I always wanted to be an actress ...

7. I love Practical Philosophy ... and I'm on a journey of knowledge ... 

8. I adore blogging and being part of a DT and having made so many wonderful blog friends

Now I am going to pass this on to the following people .....

 Enjoy your day ....

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Thank you Ros! I will post on my blog in just a bit! :-) Amy

  2. hi ros! thanks so much for the lovely award, i feel honored! loved learning more about you. you are such a loving wonderful person. hope you have a great nite! big *hugs* steph :)

  3. OOOoooohhh! Thankyou kindly! I've not had a blog award before! How exciting- it's like an extra Christmas present!!! xxx

  4. Happy Boxing Day Ros! Sorry that I am out of touch for 3 days, I didn't even get out of the house, 500 cards + 52 more because I wasn't happy with the results, boy, the only time I rest is eat and sleep. Glad I am done, they are finally in the box and ready to be shipped tomorrow morning!

  5. Thank you Ros,
    I have spent the day preparing for my daughter's birthday on the 27th and christmas with my son and dil. I will post this as soon as I can! I am homored you thought of me. Hope you had a great Boxing Day!

  6. That is so sweet of you to think of me Ros! Thanks for the lovely award! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas?
    Ira x

  7. Hola Ross !!! ohhh thanks so much for the award. As soon as I get time I put it on my blog. Wow 12 cats and kittens that must have been hard work but also so great to be surrounded by so many lovely animals. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  8. Congrats on your award Ros :) so well deserved! Happy to hear you had a wonderful Christmas :)

  9. Awww, thank you so much Ros for the award, I feel very honoured [blushing] ;) It was great to learn more about you and I am so impressed with the way you share your beautiful crafty gift at the Bridge Chapel. Happy New Year! xx

  10. Hi Ros:) Thankyou soooo much for my Award!!!I am delighted....
    Great to read more about you!!!!
    Glad you had a lovely Christmas..
    I will get it up on my blog as soon as I get five!!!
    Thankyou....`Many Blessings` to you and yours:) x


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