Saturday, December 18, 2010

Snow on snow and Pixie Dust Pretties

 Good morning dear friends ... I have lots to share with you this morning, but first ...
 want to see some pictures of my garden? 

Pretty huh?

and deep ...

I went out first thing this morning in my PJ's to clear a space for the birds to feed ...

... Though there are still a few berries to be seen ...

The snow started yesterday evening when it was already dark ... the beauty of it last night was amazing ... The one thing I notice and adore, is that snowfall brings with it an uncanny silence ... especially at night ... it's like the whole world has suddenly come to a stop to watch this amazing beauty.
Of course I know that it causes havoc and it is not everyone's friend ... and I for one do not like to drive in it ... Yet I can't help but still feel the wide eyed child in me as I gaze out of my window ... Now it looks like Christmas!

 I have some things to share that I made during my time as Guest Designer for 
Kirsty sent me the December kit ... Times Square Twenty 11 and there was so much to play with ... these are my final projects and I still have things left over

This is a house shaped folder ... made to hold a very special photograph ....

This is 3 generations of my family ... my Grandmother holding my first nephew .. her first Great Grandchild ... my Mum and Dad are looking on at their first Grandchild ... whilst my SIL's Gran also bestows her love on her first Great Grandchild 
All of these special people are now gone ... even the baby 
There are more pictures on Pixie Dust Paperie of all the beautiful products used here 

An easy peasy LO given that these fabulous papers need so little adding ... less is more right? 
And I just knew that the papers teamed with the beautiful cards from Tattered Angels were the perfect nesting place for this photo of my Daddy ... July 1943 ... my parents wedding day

Even the packaging came in handy to make this envelope ... 

and a minimalistic LO of Sophia ... 

See how well the seam binding matches the gorgeous paper ... 

I have tried to show you this kit in all it's glory ... by that I mean I have added very little to it to achieve my projects ... some glitter, a few punches and of course my sewing machine ... 
I have thoroughly enjoyed my spot as Guest Designer 
Thank You so much Kirsty for giving me the opportunity ... 
I hope you my friends have enjoyed seeing my projects too and please do pop over to see more on
 Pixie Dust Paperie ...

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. The pages are wonderful, Ros! My dad went into the navy in 1943, (married in 1940). He served on an escort ship in the mediterranean until 1945. Was in the navy or naval reserve for 20 years. This brings back fond memories! TFS Your snow looks so beautiful, I hope you can stay in!

  2. Ros... Of course..I really enojoy myself reading this post... the 1st really epic!!!...anyway... love them all not just one... good one Ros... your blog is very inspiring... very creative...xoxo

  3. well can i just say how ♥HAPPY♥ & lucky we pixies have been to have you as our very first guest DT! you have certainly done us proud with your lovely & creative projects! ♥WOW♥!!! thank you for spending december with us, it was wonderful!

    (ps re snow: which i LOVELY in your pics and yes quite magical at xmas...but still...UGH!!!!!!! the very *silence* of it bugs me most: you say "uncanny" but i'd call it "eerie"...allowing it to sneak up, ninja-like, in the night without warning; at least rain has the good grace to MAKE NOISE and prepare one for the results!!!) :) :) :)

  4. Oh my Ros.......Pixie is lucky to have you as a GD. This post just blew me away. Everything made from that december kit is perfect;everyhthing goes so well together!!!! You did a fabulous job! I love the pictures; from your garden too. They're gorgeous!
    Have a lovely day my friend...

  5. Oh my Ros.......Pixie is lucky to have you as a GD. This post just blew me away. Everything made from that december kit is perfect;everyhthing goes so well together!!!! You did a fabulous job! I love the pictures; from your garden too. They're gorgeous!
    Have a lovely day my friend...

  6. That is A LOT of snow! LOVE ALL of your GORGEOUS creations...especially the first with that oh so precious, fabulous photo!

  7. Beautiful projects and I love the stories behind those photos, great memories....(some sad ones though)... but thanks for Guest Designing for us this month at Pixie Dust Paperie, we are fortunately to have you and your beautiful projects!
    Thanks for those lovely snowy pictures too, ah.... *sigh.... snow..... it seems so far away now..

  8. gorgeous creations, ros!!! i love that house card, what a precious precious photograph! a wonderful keepsake for your family!! love all the pretty embellies!! also love your layouts, especially the masculine one.
    thanks for sharing and love the pix of your place with snow! i still haven't experienced it yet so it's so neat to see. be safe when driving.
    have a wonderful weekend!!!
    *hugs* steph :)

  9. fab creations. love the snowy garden pics. we've a blanket of snow here too, the birds are always waiting in the morning for their breakfast! it does look magical! the roads are awful though! stay warm!


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