Thursday, December 02, 2010

Thank You Stella

Hello ...
I'm just popping in to say a big "Thank You" to the lovely Stella for a beautiful card and chocolate bar I got today ... 

Isn't that card just beautiful? look at those pretty pearls!
My chocolate is a big letter "R" and unfortunately it didn't arrive in one piece so I have had to eat half of it ... It's really yummy! Just what a girl needs when she is not feeling her best and is full of cold .... Don't you agree?
Thanks again Stella ... and have a lovely day everyone ...

Till soon
~ Ros ~


  1. Awww... so sweet of Stella, I hope you feeling better soon!

  2. What a literally sweet gift Stella sent you! And her card is adorable! They must have made your day :-)

  3. Indeed Beautiful Ros... LUCKY you... so sweet of Stella..have a good one...xoxo

  4. Mmmm there's nothing like chocolate :D

  5. Wasn't that good chocolate? Mine wasn't broken, but I fixed that! The card is beautiful as well! Hope you got some cards made today!

  6. Ros this is just stunning, love those colors..............

  7. Definatley `Just what you need`
    Yummie mail....Hmm
    Feel Better soon..
    Have a lovely weekend :) x

  8. That was so sweet of Stella. It is always fun to get mail like this..

    Hope you get to feeling better..

    Hugs, Linda

  9. That was so sweet of Stella. I bet that Chocolate was delicious. Too bad it was broken...just gives you reason to eat more. :)


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