Monday, January 10, 2011

Jingle Belles wk 2

It's a pretty miserable day here ... overcast and wet ... but it hasn't deterred Hubby from going to golf after more than 4 weeks away following his eye op. He was so excited as he headed out the door with his new clubs ... And me? ... well a few of us girls are meeting up today for coffee ... 'someone' has a birthday this week and it also means I can get out of Pilates too ...
So I have a card that I made for the Jingle Belles Rock challenge this week ... we were asked to use "inchies" ... hmmm, well first I'll show you my card ...

I chose to cut a Christmas image into 1" squares and do a sort of tile effect ... which I then framed with some white card that I first cut using my Sizzix and label die, then I embossed it with the swiss dots folder ... then sprayed it with adhesive and gave it a generous coating of glitter ... I thought the whole tile sat nicely on this DP ... I just had this one piece that I think came from a pack I bought over a year ago at CupCards To Go

Some lace and 2 little chipboard pieces (that look just like my DP) but topped with flowers instead of brads ... and in case you are wondering ... my image came from a recycled Christmas card from 2009
Now I'm not saying that I will do a Christmas card every week ... but this challenge is great way to keep on top of things come Christmas ... which we all know seems to come around really quick ... 
I'm off to visit your blogs now so have a great day
Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Love your fabulous recycling ... and cutting that gorgeous image into tiles makes it look like we're viewing it through a window pane ... love it ... thanks for getting a head-start on the holidays & joining our Jingle Belle fun.

  2. WOW! This is beautiful. I love how you cut the image into 1" squares. So clever. Looks wonderful!

    Hugs, Linda

  3. now how clever is this?! Lovely!

  4. Absolutely GORGEOUS Ros!!! I LOOOOVE the "window" effect of the inchies!
    So FAB!!

  5. Oh, I just love looking through a window! Especially when this is what you get to see :-) Lovely and warm winter card! Have a great evening, Ira x

  6. Beautfiul Ros. I love how it looks like you are looking through the window. :)

  7. The "tiled" window you created is just breath-taking. So incredibly lovely! And that little piece of lace peeking out at the bottom is super sweet. Your whole card is gorgeous.

  8. Absolutely fantastic card. How does it feel making christmas cards for next Christmas, awesome I hope!

  9. woohoo Ros... Loving this cut up the pictures... into grid... brilliant... love it...xoxo

  10. HOLY MOLY ros!!! you are SUCH a genius! i looooooove the idea of diecutting and gorgeous image and then making inches OUT OF IT! and i mean LOVE*LOVE*LOVE it! sooooooooo clever and also beautiful...hmmmmm...reminds me of a clever crafter i know...has a son called mikey... :) :) :)

  11. Gorgeous and very clever. I feel as though I'm looking through a window at this beautiful Victorian scene.

    Deb x

  12. so pretty and delicate love it

  13. oh my goodness - this is so sweet! How clever of you to create this "window effect" I love it! Simply beautiful.

  14. This looks great. Really like how you feel you are looking in the window on this little scene. Great job using the inchies.

  15. This is beautiful! What a sweet scene on this. I'm so glad I've joined this challenge.

  16. Beautiful card! Love the tile effect!

  17. That is gorgeous Ros, love the window, so so chritmasy (is there such words? LOL)
    Anyway, Happy Birthday in advance!!!

  18. Your card is GORGEOUS! I hope you continue to play along so we can come back and see more of your cards!! I love it!!

  19. I LOVE this! LOVE LOVE LOVE! The window is fantastic! And the edging and framing - awesome. Just awesome.

  20. Ros this is stunning;that image looks like stained glass and I love to get a look through that gorgeous window. Really; this is one of your masterpieces and i love it to pieces....
    Have a lovely evening my friend...

  21. What a fun way to reuse that pretty image and to get your inchies in. It's very pretty.


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