Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pixie Dust Paperie Challenge

Hi there ... invigorated by my previous challenge ... I created a Layout for the Pixie Dust Paperie challenge .... set by Chief Pixie ... Kirsty ... who did this  amazing sketch ...

I have to say that this is a first for me ... I've never done a LO for a challenge ... nor ever followed a sketch for a LO  ... and actually I found it easier than I first thought ... 

This is one of my favourite pictures ... taken in Cornwall when Mikey was about 12 or 13 ...
The three of us were inseparable ...

How I wish I could re-live days like that ...

How we miss our beautiful Kelly ...
But just making this took me right back to that moment ... How time flies

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Such a pretty LO Ros! Beautiful photo and I love the little seahorse embellishment!

  2. Such a wonderful page, Ros! that button looks like a shell right out of the ocean! Such wonderful colors as well!

  3. My heart just tears when I read your post, I can feel the love of a mom, and I could almost imagine those days.... where you have Mikey and Kelly by your side, you know I have similar experience. *sigh.....
    Anyway, back to your beautiful layout, besides the precious picture that goes perfectly with your choice of DP, the journaling note, bloom and swirl are all great elements for a beautiful layout like yours! Thanks for playing along with Pixie!

  4. Love your story behind this photo Ros, and in Cornwall of all places, it's so beautiful out there! Your LO matches the picture wonderfully! Have a great Sunday, Ira

  5. This is such a beautiful page.. And such a sweet story to go with it.. I have to agree with you time does fly... Hope you have a wonderful day! Hugs, Linda

  6. I've been reading this post before and it touched my heart.. because of the picture. The three of you are looking so happy together and I know how much you love your dog (and miss her)
    Gorgeous dearie; the LO and the memory you've captured....

  7. What a lovely photo- one of those that tells a story all by itself.You all look so incredibly happy. I love how you've used sea themed elements on your LO- love the shell centred flower! Gorgeous! xx

  8. Such a pretty LO Ros! Beautiful photo and I love the story behind this... so sweet... hugs...xoxo

  9. oh wow, ROS! what a fabulous photo that is of you guys! and then you've built such a terrific LO around it! o'course miss kirsty's sketch is pretty fab...but you've totally made it your own! ♥!

  10. This is so lovely Ros! LOVE that pic!

  11. Kelly is gorgeous ! This is the magic of pictures :D When I first started making LO I didn't know about sketches and it was so difficult for I use them all the time and my life is easier hehehe ;)


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