Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jingles Belles Rock

Hello my friends ... 
thought you'd like to know that my friend loved her Anniversary card and gift ... I saw her on Thursday then went on to my group ... they were thrilled with the box I made for our lovely friend that died and we filled it with pretty tags each with a message on ... Friday was not a very nice day for me ... but in the evening I went along to a Stampin' Up demo and craft evening given by my lovely blog friend Keren - it was so good to see her and the evening was a treat ... 
Then yesterday I saw that I was awarded a TOP MOUSE over at WaltzingMouse challenge blog ... another treat ... Thank You so much ladies of WaltzingMouse  ... you've no idea how much I needed a boost ... 
So, what do you do when you're down? ... you create ... (if you can) ... and I wanted to keep up with the Jingle Belles Rock challenge which this week is to include Text in your card ... You all know I love text so it was a pleasure to lose myself in creating ... It was too late to photograph yesterday  so I left it till today ... This is my card for week 9 of the challenge ...

This is all digital ... a mix of papers from Digital House Designs ... who have had a whole month of $1 offers which finish at the end of the February so if you are interested you need to hop over and check them out ...  The little deer (covered in text) is a digital from Webster's Pages ... another of my favourites and the pretty lace came all the way from Texas from sweet Chriss Blagrave ... I adore this lace

Not sure if you can see the glitter I added ... and the little pine cones are stamped on using crimson ink  everything else if from my stash ... And now  ... I am feeling better ...

Till soon ... keep safe

~ Ros ~


  1. what a beautiful and sweet card, ros! love the sweet deer and the wonderful embellishments! i especially love the tag and epoxy brad and dimensional on the righthand side. thanks for sharing and i wish you a lovely nite! *hugs* steph :)

  2. Sorry to hear you're not having a good time at the moment. Your card is amazing, I love it from the colours you've used to the deer absoloutely everything, it's perfect.xxxx

  3. Where do I even begin ... I love every magical bit of this design ... the bold date against the texty backdrop ... the stiched frame ... and my-oh-my that texty deer ... what a fabulous holiday design ... thanks so much for joining our jingle belles fun ... and a big Woot Woot for your shout-out at Waltzing Mouse.

  4. Really cute- I wouldn't have guessed it was digital! Love your stitching on it too.

  5. HOLY MACARONI!!!!!! ok, i did not think i could be MORE impressed with your skill & talent miss ros...but then...i saw this ♥♥♥AMAZING♥♥♥ wonderful, texty, gorgeous card! and right after i picked up my jaw from my desk top, and wiped away all the drool, i found that i could not stop grinning from ear to ear. so i guess you're not the only one to have been cheered up, MY "DEER"!!! :) :) :)

  6. This is absolutley beautiful Ros. That Dear is adorable. :)

    I have a card for oyu in my purse. I have been meaning to mail it out for 2 weeks now. The post office is always so busy. I promise I will mail it out on Tuesday. :)

  7. What a pretty card Ros, love the cute image and the glitters!

  8. Sorry to hear you're not having a good time at the moment. But I love your card ...its fabulous!!! the deer is cute too...take care... hugs..xoxo

  9. yummy card Ros! congrats on being top mouse! You deserve it :) Thanks for your sweet comments that give me a boost!

  10. Ros this is a beautiful card...but like i just told Kirsty...i can't do Christmas again...i'm loving the spring colors that i'm using on my Easter cards...can't think red and green right now =) LOL
    BEAR HUGS xxx ~victoria~

  11. Congrats on your recent honors over at the WMSC! So well deserved! This Christmas card is darling! Love the paperpieced deer!

  12. Hi Ros.
    Well Congrats on your Win!!!So deserving for sure.
    I think that box is a beautiful idea for your friend.
    Hope your days are getting easier for you Ros....(I craft as an outlet)
    Thankyou sooooooooooo much for the beautiufl card you sent ,that was so nice of you to think of me.
    I am touched and will treasure it always....
    Lots of love to you:) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    oops Your card is beautiful as always full of Inspiration TFS:) x

  13. Oh so pretty!!! TFS! Congrats too!

  14. Well I have to say your Christmas card is adorable.. I just love that cute little dear.. Congrats on your Top Mouse award.. That is no suprise that you won.. Your creations are always so lovely..

    Hugs, Linda

  15. Chin up Ros, hope that things will be much better for you soon my friend!! Congrats on being Top Mouse and goodness you just made the most adorable deer card! Super sweet! Hugs, Ira

  16. This couldn't be more fabulous!!! I LOOOOOOOVE it in EVERY way possible!! Congrats on your well deserved award!!

  17. I was thinking about you over the weekend, it is always hard to lose a friend! This is a lovely card, the deer is so sweet! Great having another Christmas card to put away!

  18. Ros, this is just beautiful, love it

  19. Love the color combo in this, that deer is SO CUTE, love the text on it, the lace is fab and the touch of baker's twine and dinky bell, perfect!! : )

  20. When I first saw the card, I thought this is lovely and how did she do all that stamping and masking!? Then I read that you went digital for this one, that's an incredible result. Love it!

  21. Oh what a lovely compilation of all that text and those soft images. This is surely a highlight!

  22. Your top <ouse is so well deserved and it's good to hear that after a difficult Friday you had a lovely evening.
    And your card? oh dear that deer :). Ros it's gorgeous; your style is gorgeous and I lvoe the soft look...!


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