Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Beautiful Colours of Spring

Good morning sweet friends ...
I have a card to share which I made for two challenges .... 

This challenge is hosted by Australian 'Colouring Queen ... Kathy Jones  and I have to say her colouring with copics is just amazing ... I don't even own a copic ... sadly ... but I prefer to leave that to the experts ... of which I definitely am not!

The second challenge is Card Patterns  ... this being the sketch 

... and once again the DT have out done themselves ... they are such a hard act to follow!
So on to my card ... using papers from Websters Pages (Lullaby Lane)

I love the fresh green colours of spring ... and the creamy colour of the blossom on the hawthorn trees which always seem to be the first to bloom and bring a beautiful fragrance with them ...
so my card is based on them ...

There are so many things on our beautiful earth that have shades of green ... someone once told me that God created so much green because it is a peaceful calming colour ... I won't argue with that ... 

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Bom dia! Que bela criação, realmente parece que o verde traz calma... ainda mais nos teus tons, que cores belas! E que detalhe lindo dos pequenos desenhos na moldura rosinha com aquela pequena borboleta!

  2. Yep I have to agree.. Green is one of my favorite colors. Your card is soooo pretty. And those shades of green are so soft and calming. I just love everything about this..

    Hugs, Linda

  3. Marvelous card, dear Ros! The colors are amazing... everything about your card is amazing!!! GORGEOUS!!! You are right about green being peaceful and calming. Our God does all thing right!
    Have a Happy Day!

  4. Gorgeous card, Ros! Your cards are beautiful without coloring! I love everything about this one.

    If you want to color, then get a blender pen(SU) use inks and water(Using your stamp pads or order the bottles of inks or use water color pencils, you do not have to use Copics)

  5. Hi dearie, I think this is one of your best cards ever. You picked some amazing colors and they are giving this card a "fragile"look. And I love it. Fresh and elegant. Your rosette is stunning. Another fabulous creation from you and I never get tired of it! Enjoy your evening...XXXXX

  6. So pretty! I love these colors together. So glad you could play along with us on Card Patterns this week!

  7. Totally pretty card Ros and that flower centrepiece is a stunner!

  8. wow Ros, amazing colour and the centre of your pleated flower is just stunning
    Mina xxx

  9. Mine too.. I love green!!..and your card is just always... hugs..xoxo

  10. Hi Ros! This is gorgeous with the rosette! I love the soft muted colors as well. :-) Amy

  11. beautiful and soft, that green is so soothing!
    When I saw you entered this card for flourishes challenge, it got me wondered if I entered the wrong one because the one I entered has a different theme, but I guess they have different challenges going on.

  12. So elegant Ros! Love the fan fold embellishment and that pretty lace trim!

  13. So beautiful Ros..such a pleasure to catch up..
    Enjoy the rest of your week :) x

  14. love the cute rosette. Such a gorgeous palette. I have ot admit not owning a Copic either although I guess I could be creative with some Tria inks! Beautiful card xx

  15. Beautifully done! Thanks for joining us at Card Patterns this week.

  16. This is beautiful, Ros. I love the accordian flower and pretty center embellishemnt. Thanks for joining us again at BBB. :)

  17. śliczna, delikatna i taka kobieca:)


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