Monday, April 04, 2011

Jingle Belle Week 14

Good Morning dear friends ...
This weeks' challenge at Jingle Belles really had me stumped ... I don't mind telling you ...
In fact I spent all day Saturday trying to come up with something ... Honestly! 
The girls are asking that we make a humorous card ... seeing as how the challenge fell on April 1st
 Now its not that I am not appreciative of humour ... far from it ... it's  just that I have never made a funny Christmas card ... don't think I have ever sent one either come to think of it ... and Miss Lauren does humour sooo well ... and every time I visit Sue Allan ... I laugh my socks off ... she writes so well ... 
So by Saturday evening I was totally deflated ... "I can't do it ... what's one week? ... So I'll miss the challenge ... not worth stressing about ..."  
Then yesterday it was Mother's Day ... I got my gorgeous bouquet of flowers ... and hubby took me out for some retail therapy ...  it was just what I needed ... not only for my well being (another story) but when I came home laden with goodies ... I suddenly found my inspiration ... shot straight to my craft room and voila! ... my card is done ....

So ok it's dogs again ... but I like dogs ...

and my beautiful German Shepherd had a red collar ... so I had to make one
 What do you think? ... does it pass the test?
Off to Pilates now to torture my body once more ...

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Ahh Ros... You nailed it!!!... its perfectly cute!!!...hugs..xoxo

    p/s: I like when the inspiration just struck and came like that!!!...BLISS...for crafters like US...

  2. This is just the cutest Ros! They just look like they are coming right out of the card! I think it is PERFECT! Hope you had a happy Mother's Day!

  3. Oh my goodness ... you do funny quite well my dear ... I love the three-dimensional effect of your design with the dogs coming through the opening ... so glad you pressed-on and joined our jingle belles mayhem this week.

  4. Perfect, Ros!!! I admit I was equally stumped on this one...I got my inspiration from an Easter card where the chocolate bunny sentiment was "bite me."

    I love your card :)

  5. So cute Ros! What a beautiful photo! I am a dog lover :) That little bone and collar embellishment is a perfect touch!

  6. Ah! O detalhe da coleira com ossos natalinos! O presente dos deuses para um cão!!!

  7. Those dogs are so sweet, I hope they get bones too, or better still, the whole darn turkey!


  8. Never had a dog, so I don't know how I would cope with one. These two are very appealing!
    Sue x

  9. That is too cute!!
    Ya, tell me about it, I have been stumped for the past 2 weeks at Jingle Belles! : (
    Can't squeeze anything out of me!

  10. Super awesome and very unique. Glad you found your inspiration! Really cute and funny card!

  11. ok, i'm SHOCKED that you didn't think you could do have one of the best senses of humor i know!!! and *SEE* i was right b/c not only is this HILAIROUS...but it's fabulous looking too...and i LOVELOVELOVE that brilliant collar with the dangly bones! awesome, missus!!! :) :) :)

  12. Ros, I do believe this should be the winner! I love the pictures of the dogs and the bones just make it with that sentiment! Wonderful Christmas card!I guess it was a good thing you had to be stumped because you got right to the bones of the situation!

  13. This is a great card, you did a wonderful job! Totally cracked me up!

  14. perfect! I know how you feel...I can't/won't miss a week of JB fun:)

  15. Totally adorable, totally amusing! what a great idea to do a photo card, too! My cousin needs a card like this for Christmas this year, I'm thinkin' - thanks for the inspiration!

  16. this is just perfect for the prompt!!! that photo is adorable and the card design is so clever! those gorgeous pooches are so wonderful. love it

  17. I love your humor; this is fun and made laugh :). I love dogs too and your little "bone" embellishment is fabulous! Have a lovely day..XXX


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