Friday, April 22, 2011

Sweet Baby Card ...

Hello sweet blog friends ...
I know I've been absent for a while ... just things to do and a few hospital appointments to see to ... and I have at least been keeping up with visiting your blogs and seeing your beautiful creations ... I couldn't go a day without doing so ...
I just had some time to make a card for two challenges ... first up 
CR84FN24 ... with this beautiful colour palette

... and such an inspiring quote ...

and also WatzingMouse Sketch Challenge ... which I flipped

It's a beautiful day here again and I have been all over the place trying to take a decent photo of my card .. this is the best I could do ...
Here's my card ...

I printed my CS cream and used pale blue paper from Prima's Jack and Jill together with some Tim Holtz paper ... that sweet baby image is from Printable Heaven 

The flower is also Prima and the leaves I punched out ... scrunched seam binding from Bluebird Lane at Etsy ... the little button was a clear button which I altered using a little text paper and some glossy accents ... 

Have you any plans for Easter? ... I am just taking things as they come ... When my Mum was alive she always came and celebrated Easter and Christmas holidays with me ... and yes ... we saw each other practically every day .... somehow it's never the same ... but I have wonderful memories ... and many of my son with all his Easter Eggs ... Lol!
 I am thankfully for all I have ... my Husband and my Son here with me ... my family and my friends ... and my thoughts are with those less fortunate
Whatever you have planned ... I wish you all a blessed Easter ... may love and peace be with you

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Your card is so lovable, Ros. The seam binding ribbon with button is the perfect compliment to that fantastic flower. Have a wonderful Easter and thanks for sharing your talents!

  2. What a lovely card Ros, that image is so sweet. Love the sewing and that gorgeous bow too.

  3. Completely darling! LOVE that vintage image! We did the egg hunt yesterday...not sure what our actual plans on Easter day are besides going to church. We will have my in-laws over for Easter dinner. You have a wonderful Easter Ros!

  4. So pretty Ros! Love the Vintage image and pretty flower embellishment! Thanks for playing along with CR84FN and the WMSC :)

  5. Oh my goodness... This is so cute. I love that image. What a beautiful card you have created..

    Hugs, Linda

  6. What a delicate card this is, love the cute image and how you decorated it. Truly very sweet. I know what you mean, things are never the same anymore once you've lost a parent. Coming Sunday will be my father's birthday, but since my parents are no longer with us we will be commemorating in our own way. Blessings and Happy Easter to you and yours, Ira

  7. That is so sweet, love the Prima collection!
    Happy Easter Ros!

  8. Ros, this is such a beautiful card! I love the pale blue and that image is adorable! And, what a clever way to dress up a clear button! Great job and thank you for joining us again at WMSC!

  9. Hi Ros, Your card is beautiful, I love the pale blue and your image! Easter is a special time, but I have no plans, My husband gets home the following Sunday! My daughter lives here as well but is always so tired on the weekend, we may do something Saturday! Sunday will be a rest day. Have a wonderful Easter.

  10. Stunning design and gorgeous card!

  11. This is a super combination of challenges. I love the sweet baby image and pretty flowers. Thanks for playing along with CR84FN this week!

  12. Hi Ros, LOVE that cute image and LOVE how you altered that clear button with text! This is a BEAUTIFUL card! THX for playing with us at CR84FN!

  13. adorable card, I find it hard to make baby cards but sure did a greaqt job

  14. I think that eveeryone who's giving birth would love love love to get a card like this. Its "screaming""'innocence and pure love. Ros this is such a lovely take on this challenge.
    Our plans for Easter are nothing special.Both our sons are not home this weekend and I think I have a lot of time for gardening, crafting and blogging :)

    28 years ago my mother came home from the hospital on Good Friday
    (is this English for Friday before easter?). She knew she was coming home to die because she was diagnosed with cancer. From that moment Easter has never been the same for me......
    When our sons were younger we really enjoyed Easter and I am thankful that I also have lots of wonderful and pricelss memories

  15. What a darling baby card! I love that vintage image with your sweet embellishments and the beautiful blue color!

  16. Golly, your work is so do you do it? It's like turning back the clock to bygone days and seeing it through misty eyes.
    Just gorgeous!
    Ros, you are clever.
    Why do I just make a mess?

    Have a great Easter!

    sue xx

  17. Another amazing card by the talented Miss Ros. This is so darling... what an adorable picture and I love that Prima flower... haven't seen that one before.
    Wishing you a blessed Easter also, Ros!

  18. What would we do without memories? I love this sweet little card. That image is dalring. Thanks so much for playing at CR84FN! :)

  19. Wonderful baby card. Love the soft colors. It's perfect for both challenges.
    Hugs and smiles

  20. This is so cute. I love that image. What a beautiful card you have created Ros... Happy Easter... friend...xoxo


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