Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Back to Basics

Good morning to you all ...
We seemed to have adopted a new member to the household here ...

Seems my side bar cat came alive ... and it's making itself quite comfortable .. thank you ... 
I have no idea who it belongs to but I suspect someone has gone on holiday and left it here ... happens to me every year ... they know a soft touch and whilst I have tried to not encourage it too much ... my son just lets it in .. but the cat is hyper active ... quite mad actually ... what am I to do?

Anyway onto the new challenge over at City Crafter Challenge Blog  where I am hosting this week ... and I am taking you 'Back to Basics' and asking you to get out your paints and cardboard  ... you can make a card or project of your choice as long as you use these two items ...  Recycling cardboard is very popular at the moment so I am really looking forward to seeing your creations ... 

Me ... well I'm still hooked on frames ... as you can see ... and this is made from two different types of cardboard ... both of which were originally packaging ... The larger rectangle is just covered in some pretty paper from my box of scrapbook papers ... sorry I can't remember the make ...
I then cut a rectangle out of a piece of corrugated cardboard ... big enough to fit my photo of Sophia ... and used two different paints on it ... I gave it a 'wash' first with an olive coloured acrylic paint and then dry brushed over it with white acrylic ... I also edged it with some TH tape ...

... I think the dry brushing gives a great effect ...

... you can see I added 4 pearl brads to secure it and just a simple rose completes the project ... 
I like the earthy tones to this as it fits in with the photo which was taken in the park ... Sophia is wearing a little green backpack too ...
So are you up for the challenge? ... Why not pop over to CCCB and take a look at the rest of the DT work ... 

Thanks for visiting me ... have yourselves a lovely day 

~ Ros ~


  1. You did a fabulous job with cute little sophie's beautiful picture, what a great challenge this week Ros!
    And ya, that cat looks like the one from the sidebar! LOL!

  2. What a gorgeous frame for a beautiful photo,what a sweetie. I love the dry brushing, I'm quite into that at the moment. Fab challenge and can't wait to give it a go.xxx

  3. Sua Sophia é muito fofa!! Adorei o verde oliva!!! Engraçado voce falar de gato, essa noite não dormimos porque algum gato de vizinhos não parou de miar...meu marido o procurou, mas não achou...

  4. How funny! He does look just like the cat on the side bar. That is exactly what I was thinking before I read that. I would feed him outside and not keep him inside if he is trouble. He might tear up your house. :)

  5. Sucha gorgeous frame... and Sophia is so cute!!!! Fabulous challenge... I should give it a go!!! TFS Ros... hugs...xoxo

  6. WOW what a FAB use of cardboard and paint! LOVE this so much Ros! Your new little visitor is a cutie...even if a little mad...haha!

  7. This looks wonderful.. I have to say I would buy this frame if I saw it in a store.. I love the color of it...

    And just seeing that kitty made me smile.. So cute.

    Hugs, Linda

  8. Great challenge piece, Ros! You do have the touch with these projects. Love the colors as well as all the layers! Have a great Tuesday!

  9. Ros the frame kick is a good thing cause I am so liking this latest one with the recycled materials. Your new housemate is a cutie! Sorry about the hyper active side. You are a total sweetheart for taking him in! Hope you are well. :-) Amy

  10. GORGEOUS frame Ros! The photo inside is darling to boot!!!! What a beautiful keepsake!

  11. With your gorgeous frames you captured little Sophie's face even better! Love the postcard image, too!

  12. Love the challenge this week, gorgeous frame for a sweet photo. Once you let the cat in the door I think you've pretty much adopted them!! We have a couple of 'visiting' cats here too... but we do kinda feed them! : )

  13. I love this - what a great alternative to the traditional frame. I have to give this a try!

  14. Sophia is adorable and your frame is beautiful. Such a lovely match. Love it......XXXX


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