Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Blog Award

Hi there ... 
I don't know about you ... but Blogger will not let me uploads any pictures right now ... I am hoping this will be fixed soon ... so in the mean time I promised I would get back following the  Blog Award I received from my lovely friend Linda  ... which you can see in This post ... 
The rules are that I have to give 7 random facts about myself and pass this on to 8 other blog buddies ... so here goes ...

1. I once won a scholarship to a drama school ... my dream was to be an actress
2. In my younger days I was sporty ... captain of both the Hockey and Netball teams
3. I love solitude ... and I am quite happy with my own company
4. I am on a quest for knowledge .... about myself and the universe
5. I practice stillness (of the mind) a few times a day
6. I'm good with technology (for a woman of my age Lol!) 
7. I'm pretty intuitive

The people I would like to pass this on to are ...

Terrie  ................. Terriebaileys blogspot

Keren ..................   Kerenbaker wordpress

Jacira ...................... Jacirascrap blogspot

Deb .............aworldofimagination blogspot

Stef ............... sweetcraf-teachick blogspot

Jak................ ............... thatslife blogspot

A big Thank you to you Linda 

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Obrigada!! Obrigada!!! Fez-me sorrir muito!! Também não estou conseguindo postar imagens... mas te escrevo que assim que puder, postarei minha alegria!!!

  2. Nice to learn more about you, Ros! My mom used to make us rest during the afternoon for an hour, we did not have to sleep, but at least had to rest and be quiet. After having four children I learned why. We had rain in the wee hours of the AM so it is cooler this morn. Have a wonderful rest of your day. I have been enjoying Wimbledon.

  3. Congrats and the lovely award and good to know a bit more about you!

  4. Sorry you are having problems with Blogger. I just left another blog experiencing missing posts. Hope you'll be up and running normally SOON!
    Big hugs, sweet lady!!!

  5. Awww - thanks! I'm so flattered! Gee, 7 things about myself ... hmmmm.

  6. Hi Ros. How kind of you to think of me.
    I just wanted to say that Blogger would not let me upload. So I went to EDIT HTML and clicked on that...upload no problem for photos, but could not upload video. Try that it is easy.
    Sue xx

  7. Congrats on your award my sweet friend.. It's always fun to learn new things about our blogging buddies..

  8. It's so nice to get to "know" you a little better Ros, thanks for sharing!

  9. Well sweetie if anyone deserves this award it's you. I think you forgot to mention a few things in your list of 7 random things to share with us.



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