Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Happy Mail

Hi There ... 

I have been trying all day to post this ... Blogger has been having an off day I think ... 
Yesterday I got some Happy Mail  ... you may remember that we had a challenge at CCCB for ATC's and anyone who entered could also join in the 'swap' ... we were all given a partner and we then send our ATC plus a vintage gift to our partner ... I was paired with Marion who is popularly known as "Tante Kathe" and Marion won a spotlight award for her beautiful ATC ... so I was thrilled to receive it in the post along with some lovely braid, vintage pictures of pretty ladies, pearls and a beautiful handmade card 

and I promise you ... that little ATC is quite stunning IRL ...

Thank you so much Marion ... I am very grateful ... and thanks to Kirsty for organising this 'Swap'

Have a lovely evening ... 

~ Ros ~


  1. Lovely happy mail and with beautiful goodies. That ATC looks amazing. Enjoy!
    Have a lovely evening!

  2. Sorry to hear Blogger is acting up again... who knows??? Hope they get things squared away soon!
    I like your Happy Mail, Ros. I'll be waiting to see what you do with that red trim and the gorgeous photos. Don't you just love pearls? I could buy them and bling all day long and still want more! Oh... I'm just a woman!

  3. ITs gorgeous happy mail... you so lucky Ros...enjoy... hugs..xoxo

  4. Wow, how nice, Ros! Such a nice grouping of things! Happy last day of June!

  5. Always fun to get such happy mail!!!

  6. WOW, I think you are the first to received your happy mail, how cool is that, now you have more goodies to play with, that would be fun!

  7. Your happy mail looks so wonderful..
    Enjoy my friend..

    Hugs, Linda

  8. Lovely goodies that I'm sure you will enjoy Ros!


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