Sunday, June 26, 2011

Jingle Belles Card 26 ...

Hello to you ... 
It is a beautiful hot ... yes hot! Sunday here and I intend to spend time in my craft room ... 
I am going away in a couple of weeks for a very much needed break ... so I have a lot to do before then ...
right now I have just finished my card for Jingle Belles Rock week 26 ... this week the theme is "Lonely This Christmas ... " which basically means that we are to make something to go with our card ... so it won't be lonely ... this can be a tag ... a gift bag ... a box ... anything really ... and Jingle Belles has also teamed up with Order of the Opus Gluei  for this challenge so if you are doing the challenge ... don't forget to link up to both blogs 
Here's my card .....

Quite simple really ... and I made a couple of tags to go with it ...

The paper is digital from DHD and though it doesn't look it ... it is a lovely soft aqua .. and I used it on card number 9 Here ... but I guess the lighting today is making it difficult to photograph ...

Now I really need to get some DT work done ... have a lovely day sweet friends and thank you for stopping by and leaving such lovely comments ... I am very grateful

Till soon 

~ Ros ~


  1. Ros - these are wonderful - that paper is beautiful and I love the color - very rich and yet gentle too. Perfect with your embellishments and design. Love that you carried the inspiration to your tags as well. Thank you for taking on the joint challenge and playing with us at Opus Gluei and the Jingle Belles!

  2. Beautiful Christmas ensmeble! Love the glittered stars, Ros! How lovely to be going on vacation. Hope you enjoy! It is only fitting that the sun is out for the middle Sunday of Wimbeldon! sunshine and no tennis, I am in withdrawal! Have a fun rest of your day!

  3. Ros your cardis to sweet and the tags would help anyone not to be lonely just looking at them

  4. Blue, glitter, cream and kraft. You got me :)
    At first your card and tags looked quite simple but after I gave it a better look I also found one of the things you always add to your projects. A feminine, elegant touch. Fabulous! Gorgeous take on the challenge!
    Have a lovely evening!

  5. That is so sweet, love the blue, love the glittery starts, just love it!!!

  6. ok, so you know how i have baggsied one or two (or 17?!) cards already to be *MINE* in december??!?! well, i take it back, and declare in my best andy pipkin voice, "I WANT THIS ONE!!!" :) :) :) my love is based on many things including: the awesome snowflake (DIGI?!) paper; the fabbbbbbbbbulous sparkleeeeeee stars; the divine use of buttons and lace... and of course the "x" factor... that i can only call "MISS ROS STYLE"!!! ♥♥♥! a triumph!

  7. These are so pretty! I love that you used the aqua, it looks so festive with the silver stars! Thanks for joining in at Opus Gluei!

  8. These are gorgeous ROs.. love the tags and card... so beautifully blue!!!... hugs..xoxo

  9. I am lovin' those glittery stars and the layers on the tags ... what a great set ... so glad you joined us this week at Jingle Belles.

  10. All of these projects are fab Ros! Love the shimmery stars and your stitching looks wonderful!

  11. Your cards and tags are surly not going to be lonely.. They look wonderful..

  12. Que belos cartão e tags! E aqui, hoje está beeeemm frio...

  13. Gorgeous work on both the tags and the card Ros! LOVE those stars!

  14. you're doing me a favour and getting me in a Christmassy mood whilst planning a Christmas event! The tags are my fave- love the perfect proportions of them;- Beautiful!!! x

  15. These are beautiful. They totally replicate frost! I love, love, love your tags and card! Thank you so much for playing with us and our tag along challenge! Great job!

  16. Lovely Christmas cards with matching tags, the silver stars really stand out against the blue!

  17. Gorgeously elegant card and tags, love the colour scheme and the way you've used the buttons :-)

  18. that sparkly star bling is awesome!

  19. the papers are gorgeous and the glitter stars are perfect. such a wonderful wintery, frosty set - love them so much!

  20. These are so darling. I love the soft colors with the silver and the buttons are such a wonderful touch. Loving them all!

  21. Oooooh. That silver and blue with the lace and those buttons... Just heavenly. I LOVE these. Thanks so much for playing along with us at OPUS GLUEI.


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