Friday, July 01, 2011

Dress for the Tea Room ....

Hello sweet friends ...
Thanks so much for your prayers and wishes for my previous post ... sometimes life is hard but no one ever said it would be easy did they? And God doesn't give explanations ... only promises ...

I had a busy day yesterday preparing for my club ... decided we would make little albums so I cut and prepared 20 albums ... sorted lots embellishments and cut lots of papers ... It took most of the day and then I sorted my bag out ... the one I use to carry all the things to club ... I found that someone had put an open glue in there and it took me ages to tidy and clean everything ... they like to be helpful bless them ... so it was no hardship ... unfortunately due to a day of strikes here ... a lot of the members in residential homes couldn't come ... no buses to pick them up and no support workers ... but those that did come had a wonderful time and made some beautiful albums ...
I finally found some time to create a card just because ... and I see that the Shabby Tea Room have a challenge using your favourite papers and embellishments ... so I think this qualifies for that ... I adore Melissa Frances papers and thanks to Stella I have a pad of them which is now slowly diminishing ...
So here is my little creation ...

When I saw these little ballerinas ... I knew I wanted to make a dress ... like ballerinas wear ... soft and floaty ... as a child I always wanted one of these ...  I love soft materials, sparkles and lace .. I stamped the dress form from a stamp set by Crafty Secrets ... paper pieced the top using MF paper ... and made a skirt with some sequined organza ... I love to add stitching to my projects and that is there too .... even on the dress bodice 

The little rose I made from some pretty soft pink ribbon ... so there we are ... my little creation for today

Have a lovely weekend my friends 
Till soon

~ Ros ~ 


  1. I can imagine the mess with the glue... how patient you must be.
    Your card is a dream. So soft and delicate... lovely!
    Have a great weekend, Ros!

  2. ahhhhh Ros... this card is too sweet... I love it... love the dress... Fabulous!!! hugs..xoxo

  3. Fabulous card - I love this soft romantic look. It's just gorgeous, Ros.

    You are an angel to do so much for those who need you. A truly giving soul who brightens my day and makes the world a better place with your thoughtfulness.

  4. Oh my! What a genius idea! So many different dresses to be made. The possibilities are endless. Awesome job on the ballerina outfit. Love the card!

  5. Oh so pretty Ros! Love the gorgeous dress! Coordinates perfectly with the gorgeous MF DP!

  6. Absolutely gorgeous card, Ros! You have so much energy! 20 albums! Am so glad you had some fun though.

  7. Oh Ros, your ballerina dress is exquisite! It makes me want to dance ;-) Love your papers, too. Have a great weekend, Ira

  8. A idéia ficou show!!!! O vestido delicado com o tule... amei!!!

  9. What a gorgeous creation, I see a lot of these dressed up cards and really love the mix with paper and material! Take care!

  10. oh wow wow wow, this is STUNNING!!!!

  11. this is lovely Ros...
    and you are an angel doing the work you do to bring bright spots into their will be blessed!

  12. So pretty and elegant! Thanks for sharing with us this week at The Shabby Tea Room ;-)

  13. this is absolutely gorgeous

  14. Stunning!
    So soft - and I love the image of the ballet dancers - super pretty card design - love the vintage feel!

  15. Your card is so pretty, I love the ballerinas

  16. My oh my; it's about time to join the DT of Melissa Frances. And Crafty Secrets :)
    You create magic with their supplies and this dress took my breath away.
    And to quote a tv show from Discovery Channel; say yes to the dress!!!!
    Love love love it!

    Till soon sweetie!

  17. I just adore this card.. Its so girly and perfect.. I love it..

    Hugs, Linda

  18. this card is so sweet! Love the tulle bottom!

  19. What a gorgeous card. Love the sparkly organza and your fabric rose.

    Craft Island now sell MF products in the UK. :)

  20. Lovely photos, Ros. I've enjoyed seeing through your lens each week whether I participated in the OBW challenges or not. I will look forward to continued following of your blog and crafty exploits. Be blessed.


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