Sunday, July 17, 2011

One more day ...

Hi there!
Well we are nearing the end of our holiday and today it has been really hot ... but back home I hear it has been cold wet and windy ... so I have to make the most of this weather whilst I can.
I am sitting on the balcony right now and I have to tell you that the people next door are having words ... seems he wants her to wear high heels and she is saying no ... I can't help but hear as the voices are raised ... she has a lovely accent ... maybe French ... but she told him to put on the high heels and wear them for one hours to see how it feels because he doesn't know what it is like ... I am smiling!
Anyway ... that aside ... I have a card to share that I made for my friends husband ... it was his birthday last wednesday ... nothing very fancy ... just a male card using an image from the Graphics Fairy

There are lots of ships and sail boats here ... I will missing looking at them when I come home ... one of the yachts in front of the hotel cost 70 million Euros!! I googled it to see the inside Wow! wow! wow!

And I'll share a photo my hubby took of me before we went into dinner ...

I don't like having my photo taken ... 

I hope you are enjoying your day ... I will be back with you for another challenge at CCCB on Tuesday ... and you still have time to enter this weeks challenge ...
Till soon 

~ Ros ~


  1. Hi Ros..Well I am glad your having a fab holiday!You look fab!!!
    Ha Ha I have to laugh at the heels story!!!!.....Id love to know if she wore them or not? lol..
    Your card is `Beautiful` fab for any male..TFS
    njoy the rest of your holiday Its cold !windy! and miserable ..hmmm well just about norm for the uk!!!!!lotsa love :0) xxx

  2. Beautiful card!!! I had to laugh because I go on vacation where it's cold because it's so hot where I live lol!!! And that is a wonderful picture of you! I hate my picture taken too :-)I hope you have a wonderful time!!

  3. Beautiful masculine card. You look wonderful all dressed up to go out!

  4. What a fabulous masculine card. I love the image you used.

    You look beautiful. Hope you are having a wonderful time. :)


  5. Hi Ros,

    Enjoy your last day on the holiday balcony, wherever it is..., in the sun, with those funny neighbours.
    The weather over here in Holland, as well as in England, is dreadful! Hope you had a wonderful time.
    Have a good journey back home.

  6. Ros this is a perfect masculine card. The picture of you is really pretty....

  7. Such a lovely card, Ros. I'm sure the birthday "boy" loved it. Love your photo and I don't know of a woman yet that likes to have a picture taken. You will be glad you did one day! Enjoy your last evening and have a good flight home.

  8. Ros you look like you
    are going to dinner on
    that million $$$ ship :D
    love the card ~ i have
    difficulty coming up with
    male cards but this one
    is spot on...
    enjoy the rest of your

  9. That is a beautiful card, I love the image, I haven't visit graphic fairy for a long time, maybe I should take a look sometime soon!
    And you look great in that picture, enjoy the rest of your vacation!

  10. Bem.. eu adorei ver uma foto sua!E parece ter pego uma cor por tomar sol! E que iate poderoso deve ser esse, hein? Seu cartão tem tudo a ver com o seu momento! Bom retorno!

  11. You are beautiful...I don't know why you don't like having your pic taken! LOVE your card....the sailing boat is lovely. cherry

  12. fabulous card Ros...and you look great!!! Awesome... hugs...xoxo

  13. Your card looks wonderful. I find it so hard to do masculine card. But this one is perfect.. Not to much fluff... Hee Hee.. I just love the photo of you. You look beautiful..

    Hope you have a safe trip back home..

    Hugs, Linda

  14. Hi Ros!
    What a nice picture of you! You look very elegant and beautiful! So, it needs no high-heels to look amazing! :-)
    Enjoy the rest of your vacation!
    Today it´s cloudy and windy in Austria - perfect weather to have a nap on the couch - but´I´ve to be here at work *sigh*

  15. You look GORGEOUS Miss Ros! If I looked like that I would want my picture taken! Your card is so FAB! LOVE it! I have to smile at the conversation you posted...I am with her...high heels just plain hurt my feet. Have FUN this day!! Hugs, Cheryl

  16. What a lovely tan you have here Ros! Looks like the sun has been visiting you all right :-) Better than on this side of Europe, lol! Love the story about the high heels, way to go girl! And your card is so lovely, really has that summery feel! Enjoy your sunny moments!

  17. Great masculine card, love the boat image! Enjoy the warm weather, it's more like autumn here!!

  18. I think it turned out a perfect masculine card. I know; not much embellies but it seems that men don't like them:) But I know for sure he will love the image you used. The card IS gorgeous!
    You look lovely at the photo; I hope you had a wonderful time at Majorca; I hope to speak to you soon...

  19. I don't know why you don't like having your photo taken, you look fab. LOL at the heels.

    Love your card, just right for a man.

  20. You look Great !!!! good to know you had a great Holiday :D


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