Tuesday, August 23, 2011

CCCB Best of Friends

Hello and good morning friends ...
It's time for another challenge at City Crafter ... I'm hosting this week and the theme I have chosen is 
"Best of Friends"
Even though I have never met you ... I cherish your friendship ...  Friends are the family we chose ourselves right? I've laughed and cried ... prayed with and been inspired by people who I have never met as well as people I have known for years ... My spirit has been lifted many times over the years by friends ... sometimes with just a comment ... Each and every friend brings something different into my life and one of the quotes I love most is 
"Each friend represents a world in us ... a world not born until they arrive" 
Of course there are always the friends we cherish who one minute are in your life and then they are gone ... sometimes without warning or reason ... So lets celebrate our friends past and present ... near and far ...

We are fortunate to have the talented Linda Breedlove (without the pen maker) as our guest designer today and I hope you will stop by CCCB and welcome her and be inspired by her work and that of the rest of the DT ... Pixie Dust Paperie is very kindly sponsoring us again - another very inspiring blog with fabulous design members ....
I hope you come and join us this week at CCCB and celebrate your friendships

Till soon ... keep safe

~ Ros ~


  1. Your card is beautiful! Looking through your site makes me think I really need to pull out my long neglected scrapbooking and cardmaking supplies and create something on paper.

  2. Beautiful Ros. Such a sweet card and I am glad to call you one of my friends. :)

  3. Super sweet card Ros... i love it.... hugs...xoxo

  4. Ros your card is gorgeous, I love the rose.............

  5. Had a lump in my throat reading that Ros, so true.

    Btw, love the card, its gorgeous x

  6. Love, LOVE, LOOOOOOVE this week's challenge Ros and Love, LOVE, LOOOOOOVE your GORGEOUS card!

  7. Another fabulous card, Ros! Love the friends theme as well. Beautiful card and I love the colors! Have a fun day!

  8. Ros, it is really a good theme.. At the end of this week, I am going to make some to join your challenge. Thanks for the inspirations. You are great!

  9. What a gorgeous card.. And I just love the theme this week. Thanks you so much my sweet friend..

    Hugs, Linda

  10. That is one gorgeous quote you have here Ros, very special indeed. What would we be without friends, WHO would we be? Your card turned out lovely, that big rose emphasizing the small one on your postcard. Superb!

  11. Oh this is totally precious, Ros!!! Dreamy!!!


  12. That is such a lovely card, love the color combo and that vintage image!
    And I am so glad we "met" my friend!

  13. Adorei ler seu texto sobre amizade, é a mais pura verdade, há amigos de longe e de perto. Alguns que não falamos a anos e que quando encontramos é a maior alegria. Amigos que nunca vimos, como voce, mas que estão presentes quase diariamente...AMIGA querida, amanhã vou ver seu pacote!!

  14. This card is pure poesy... so very beautiful - as all of your projects! :-)

  15. Gorgeous card! I love the design and soft colors.

  16. Friends are amazing and inspiring; I am glad that I can call you a friend. A special friend....
    The recipient of this gem will be thrilled. I took a close look and the first thing that caught my eye is your perfect stitching; wow! It turned out gorgeous with that combo of patterned paper, the cardboard background ( love that color by the way ...) and on top of that; a gorgeous vintage image and that rose. Sigh....


  17. Gorgoeus~Gorgeous card....sounds like a fun challenge this week..hope I can join in!

  18. Beautiful card Ros! Love the soft color palette and gorgeous blossom! Thanks for being a great blog friend :)

  19. This is beautiful Ros. I love the gingham ribbon and your paper doily is wonderful! A vintage postcard is something I adore ... and thanks for the words of inspiration - friends are truly are something to celebrate ... even those we've never met!

  20. What a great challenge and I love your sweet card,it's so pretty.xxxx

  21. Beautiful and elegant. Hoping to get some time tomorrow to play along.

  22. This is beautiful Ros! So love the vintage theme - and the friendship among crafters is amazing!


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