Tuesday, August 09, 2011

City Crafter Challenge 69

Hello ... Are you ready for a new challenge with us here at
This week sweet Linda is hosting for us and what a challenge she has set ... 
Include Hand Doodling on your card/project ... Now that is different and believe me ... it was a challenge for me ... If I was Picasso ... Rembrandt ... or any famous person ... I expect my doodles would be worth a fortune ... but I kept thinking ... "Who would want my doodles on their card?" ... me ... I usually doodle circles .... flowers and line 'flicks' ... a bit like grass ... I'm sure a therapist could really make something of that ... But ... a challenge is a challenge so I said to myself " ... the heck with it ... just
Do Ya Doodle ..."
And here we are ... my doodles ... for all the world to see

I 'doodled' on a piece of white CS and thought I'd try using one of my Distress Stains (Antique Linen to be exact) over my doodling ... seems that the ink from my pen ... sort of bled with the stain and produced this purple shade which lightened as it got to the top of the CS ... and I had just the right papers to go with this 'creation' (ha ha) ... 

I'm still a little self conscious about my doodles but in the end I kinda liked the effect ... and so glad I was pushed to try it (Thanks Linda) What do you think?
This week we have the very inspiring Juls aka Theglitterchick kindly Guest Designing for us and as always there is a prize up for grabs ... so hop over to the blog and see what the rest of the DT have created ... and then why not show us your doodles!

Look forward to 'seeing' you there

Till soon
~ Ros ~


  1. It's lovely, Ros. You've created a masterpiece. I'm going to try this with my DI... they blend so nicely. Your color scheme is beautiful, as are the butterflies. I adore those hanging purple drops!
    Have a terrific Tuesday!

  2. Ros this is adorable
    i think you'd give
    picaso and remmy a
    run for their money :D
    i'm no doodler so
    this is one challenge
    that i won't enter...
    leave it to all the
    other brave souls :D

  3. Até o que voce chama de rabiscos tem delicadeza! Te acho a própria delicadeza...

  4. This is absolutely LOVELY Ros! LOVE your doodles!

  5. Well Ros, you should doodle some more because you're good at it! Your flowers actually look like they're printed, would make some fine design paper btw ;-) Lovely combination of yellow and purple!!

  6. Oh my this is sooooo wonderful. I love your doodling.. Who new doodling could look so soft and pretty.. I LOVE IT..

    Hugs, Linda

  7. I think your doodling is perfect, I love drawing flowers and glass just like you, they are fun aren't they?

  8. Your card turned out lovely, Ros! I am like you I think, I don't do doodles often! But what the heck! Fun challenge for sure! Love the colors you used and the purple baubles! Happy day to you.

  9. Don't worry about your doodling skills. It turned out great and speaking of the distress ink :)... it looks stunning!
    Your butterflies made me sigh...in fact the whole card did.
    This is quite a challenge for me; doodling is not my forte. I can;t even draw a proper table :)
    Have a lovely evening...XXXXXX

  10. Boah! This is gorgeous! I LOVE everything about it
    * the color combination
    * the glass-charms
    * your doodling
    * this fabulous flower!
    * The way you adhered the butterflies - genius!
    What a great card! A piece of art!

  11. Your doodling is gorgeous Ros... gorgeous colors too.... hugs xoxo

  12. Ros Your doodling is `Perfect`
    Hope you all safe where you are:) x

  13. How fun Ros! Love the butterflies and beautiful flower!

  14. Absolutely gorgeous! Your doodling if fab! Great job on the challenge!!!!


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