Saturday, August 20, 2011

A little bit of decor ...

Good Morning 
I thought I'd just share a couple of little things I've added to my home recently ... But before I do I just want to say Thank You to the ladies at Just Us Girls challenge for awarding me an honorable mention for my notebook in my last post ... I am delighted!

The other day  went into Salford Quays ... (little did I know that Prince Harry was in Salford City that day ... we could have met for coffee ... I don't think) ... So whilst I was there I came across this gorgeous  mobile ... I just could not resist it ... But is is hard to photograph ... take a look 

The top opens like an umbrella and a swirl of birds and stars and tiny silver bells hang down

Made from white sparkled mulberry paper ... each bird and star is puffed out ... so pretty

How could I not buy this? ... and it was in the sale for under £9 (That's around $14) ...
This was also something I added to the same room recently ... 

I love these rusty metal containers ... I have various jugs and plaques like this ... I get them from a store in Stockton Heath and they are really inexpensive too ... This one I dressed up with (fake) lavender 

Another one of those metal plaques with my handmade one

This blue metal jug came from the Ikea sale and I added some flowers made from serviettes and some lavender from my garden

So there we are ... a little of what I like and what I'm about 

Have a wonderful weekend my friends 

Thanks for stopping by

~ Ros ~


  1. Ros... seus livros alterados, suas flores de guardanapo são lindas! Adorei seu móbile na sala, foi uma bela aquisição!!! Parece tudo muito muito clean e belo!! Já passei lá no blog Just Us Girls para te parabenizar! Seu notebook mereceu!!!!

  2. What beautiful finds. I have a few of those tins around the house too. :)

  3. Your room is beautiful, Ros! I love how you have decorated in green and white, so clean and calming. Love the birds! Have a wonderful rest of your weekend.

  4. such lovely additions to your home.....looks like sucha peaceful room

  5. Did you really get that umbrella decor thing for $14? Oh my, I want to go shopping with you!
    And your home looks really beautiful with all those decor, store-bought and handmade!!!

  6. Fantastic. I love the little peek into your world.. Congrats on the honourable mention.. very deserved!
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Looks like you had a splendid makeover Ros (I mean your house did, duh!) Love your new finds and the umbrella was a bargain indeed! You must have been pleased to be wearing your gluey gloves today ;-) Your interior looks smashing, you're all set to enjoy the weekend, which is exactly what I'm going to wish you: a lovely weekend!!

  8. Olá Ros..achei adorável todos os detalhes da decoração! Você tem muito bom gosto!!Parabéns!Muito obrigada pela visita no meu blog ok?! Beijocas

  9. Love the bird mobile, so decorative Ros, nice find!

  10. wow! gorgeous Im loving all those bits and pieces, especially the blue jug and seeds container x

  11. All I can say it's about time I come over for a cup of coffee :)
    That mobile, the rusty containers with lavender and that plaque ( it laso made me think of 5th Avenue by Melissa Frances..)and that jug from IKEA. This is a great post; what I love most about it that you made a perfect mix with your handmade gems ( oh oh that birdhouse again; love it!!!!)
    Have alovely evening..XXXXX

  12. Your house looks beautiful! Lovely decorations and the mobile is wow!


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