Saturday, September 10, 2011


Hi there ...
It's been a few days since I was able to blog and I missed chatting to you ... Thursday was a busy day as I prepared for my sweet group ... it was the first week back since the summer break and it was so nice to see everyone ... but I was so exhausted at the end of the evening ... strictly speaking we are only supposed to allow a couple of wheelchairs ... but I had at least 3 people in my room on Thursday who were in wheelchairs ... and trying to get around .. well someone really needs to redesign them ... when you get one of those handles in your side .. man you know about it! 
After club my husband and I went into the city ... the QE2 was docked and due to sail at 10pm after what promised to be a spectacular firework display ...

The sight of this magnificent liner both enthralled  me and gave the Heebie - jeebies! I often have a feeling about the Titanic ... like maybe I was around in another life ... and for a split second ... seeing the thousands of people that had turned out to wave off the liner ... and seeing the waving passengers ... well it was spooky ... I could actually see the old costumes and clothes ... like I was transported back somewhere ... it didn't help when a complete stranger next to me turned and said in my ear ... "the inside of this liner is just like the Titanic..." But it turned out to be a beautiful evening ... the only down side was the fireworks ... a technical fault meant they went off after we had all left the docks ... 

 Yesterday ... I had a visit from Ross and Sophia ... it was bedlam here ... my brother was working on the house and the children (gorgeous that they are) wanted me to play and keep them amused ... doing crazy antics I might add ... I don't know how my SIL does it ... I was worn out ...

Finally today I got some time in my room and made my 37th card for Jingle Belles ... This week Sue Culotti  has set the challenge ... Deck the Halls ... There are actually 4 options this week which involve either playing cards (deck) or ATC's ... hop over to the blog to get the details if you want to play along ... it's never too late to join in and make a start on your Christmas cards ... Anyway this week my card is a Magical card (as in card trick ... ok ... bad joke) 

I made an ATC by up-cycling a piece of an old shop bought card ... added some glitter and edging and a chipboard piece from the Snowman set together with a sticker which of course says "Magical" ... The main paper is from the vintage collection by the Paper Cellar backed onto some Websters and the glittery piece at the bottom is also a bit of recycling

Ok ... so that's it for now ... we have a storm heading our way over the next few days ... it's been very windy but warm here ... quite unusual for this time of year ... 

Enjoy your weekend and thanks so much for stopping by

~ Ros ~


  1. What a GORGEOUSLY magical card Ros! LOVE it! That ocean liner is would remind one of the Titanic, though...a little eerie to be sure.

  2. What a magnificent site,must have been awesome to watch. Unfortunately my Xmas cards have fell by the wayside but I love looking at yours each week,great A.T.C. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.xxxxxx

  3. Lovely sight, and a lovely holiday card too, I never get enough of the snowman!

  4. Absolutely magical indeed ... love those elegant papers and accents ... so glad you joined us at jingle belles.

  5. Beautiful card, Ros! I love the serene colors and the sweet snowman image - truly magical...

  6. It looks like you had a lovely time in the city, Ros! I don't think I could get on a liner, I would worry about it sinking, too! Love your card, so very pretty! Hope your Sunday is a good one!

  7. Hi Ros ..sounds like you had a fun time.
    Check the QE2 out!!!I remember my Aunt Uncle and Grandma going on holiday on the QE2 when we were children!!!!WoW...TFS
    Your card is beautiful.Have a relaxing day:) x

  8. Your card is truly magical, Ros. The image is wonderful and the colors beautiful with the background paper and bow.

    I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable getting on a big boat like that. I've seen the movie and it was a horrible event. How can you not think of it standing on the dock? I'm with you!

  9. Your card is lovely Ros, the colours are magical indeed! And I understand your feelings all too well, I have some eerie ones myself from time to time, too. There's more to life than meets the eye!

  10. WOOOOHOOOO! you've hit 3 out of 4 of the possibilities this week, you "over achiever" you! and done them with your usual amazingly elegant and glamorous style! i ♥LOVE♥ your "upcycled" ATC and it's the perfect centerpiece for that amazing holiday card! awesome!!!

    ps: the QM/titanic story is jussssst a little freaky, but in a cool way! i wonder if you were a passenger or knew one??! who can say... but i am definitely glad you are safe and well in THIS life!!! ♥♥♥

  11. Hi Ros!!! I follow your amazing blog and I love your beautiful creations!!! Thanks for your lovely comments! have a nice week!

  12. What a wonderful shot of QE2.. I can see why it reminds you of the Titanic..
    Your card looks awesome. Love how you recycled.. Hope you have an awesome weekend my friend..

    Hugs, Linda

  13. Que belo cartão mágico amiga! Ainda bem que o Titanic chegou são e salvo!! Bom domingo!!

  14. Ooo, lala! LOVE this card! Beautiful! :)

  15. Your card is just....MAGICAL! Stunning wintery theme... Bring on Christmas, I say!! :)

  16. Beautiful magical card Ros... you are just amazing .... TFS.... hugs...xoxo

  17. What a fabulous ship! Your card is so pretty Ros! Love the pom pom trim and the stunning satin bow!

  18. oh my sweet how this is Ros! That time of year will be here so fast! :-)

  19. Oh Ros,
    This card is beautiful!! What a magical Christmas card, indeed!!!


  20. I can imagine that you must have felt a bit awkward with a view at a boat that looks so so much like the Titanic. But it's good to read you had a great night. Although club was a bit exhausting... :)
    Your card; soft, elegant and serene...Gorgeous! You never cease to amaze me dearie :)

  21. Lovely upcycle, Ros, and fab pom trim!

  22. Beautiful! Lovely picture of the boat. Funny that you feel such an affinity to the ship. Spooky.


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