Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Shabby Chic Girls Club

Hello ...

I just wanted to say a big Thank You to sweet Cindy Adkins  for featuring one of my early projects on her new blog The Shabby Chic Girls Club ... I am honoured to be amongst the creative talent featured here ...
Cindy has a link party for anyone to link up one or more of their shabby/vintage creations past or present ... I'm joining the party ... and having given it some thought ... there are three things I created that I love ... My Vintage Horseshoe 

The original post can be found Here

...  This sewing plaque ...

And this Bird's nest plaque that still hangs on my door

The original post can be found Here
So if you haven't visited her lovely new blog ... pop over and check it out ... it's pretty and fun too ...

The other shout out today is to the lovely Smilyn Stef who takes the time and trouble every week to seek out her Link Loves ... so many ideas... freebies ... and tutorials ... As you know I hold a class once a week for mentally and physically challenge adults and it can be so hard to come up with a project each week that they can cope with ... even using glue is a problem and many times my brain runs dry of ideas ... So I trawl the Links on Stef's side bar and usually something pops into my head ... ok .. maybe I need to readjust or alter ... maybe I need to make the bulk of it ... but the inspiration starts to flow ... 
I love to go through these links ... see the variety of talent and ideas from recipes to art ... 
Thank You Stef
Tomorrow my group will be making PocketMods ... With pretty covers ... Never heard of them?? Ok click Here for the link ... and why not pop over to Stef's blog to check out her Link Loves every Thursday  they're fabulous ...

Till soon my friends ... enjoy your day 

~ Ros ~


  1. Beautiful projects,the horseshoe is stunning,what a gorgeous gift to give as a wedding keepsake.xxxx

  2. All shown projects are fabulous!!! Love your work!

  3. OMG!! you are just amazing Ros...Beautiful projects!!! SO STUNNING!!! Perfect gift too...TFS... [[HEART]] those!!!hugs..xoxo

  4. So awesome to know those links help out with your class ... thanks for the props.

  5. UAAU!! Que projetos maravilhosos!! Super enfeitados e liiindosss!!!

  6. Your projects are all beautiful! I can see why they featured you. Congrats sweetie. :)


  7. I always love it when you post projects other than cards... you are so clever at coming up with unusual decor items, notebooks, etc... Thank you for all the links! LOVE your work, Ros!!! Beautiful!!!

  8. Gorgeous projects, Ros! I really love the first one, but all are beautiful! Thanks for the links. Have a wonderful evening.

  9. Well that is wonderful. congrats to you.. All your creations are always breathtaking.

    Hugs, Linda

  10. All of these projects are superb Ros, no wonder Cindy has featured you! Congrats to you!

  11. I am the proud and lucky owner of that amazing sewing plaque; and I cherish it. .In fact; I love all these three a-m-a-z-i-n-g projects. Congrats on being featured!!. So well desrved; and this post just shows why....XXXXXXX

  12. Oh WOW, Ros--I love your splendid creations--they're gorgeous!!! And I am so happy to have you be a guest on Shabby Chic Girls' Club--Your talent is amazing!!!

  13. These plaques are so pretty! I can see why you have the one hanging on your door to view everyday! Have fun tomorrow with the group project!

  14. What beautiful projects and so glad they are being showcased! Beautiful layers of loveliness.

  15. Congrats on being featured, I still remember all those lovely creations of yours, especially the horseshoe!

  16. Hi Ros,
    Beautiful works of art...I especially love the horseshoe.
    May the Lord richly bless you for your time spent with those who have challenges. It tells me you are over the top special.
    have a sugar sweet day

  17. Your creations are just stunning ! Wanted to say I'm so sorry about your uncle passing.

  18. Stopping by from Cindy's Oh La La Link Party. Stunning work here!

  19. What gorgeous and creative projects!! ~ Blessings

  20. congrats to you on the well-deserved honor! there are few ppl in the world who do the shabby chic style as well as you do, imo! utterly gorgeous projects you have shown here, as usual! ♥

    i concur wholeheartedly with your assessment of stef's link love posts... one of the best blog features ANYWHERE... totally free... every week!!! :) :) :)


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