Tuesday, October 11, 2011

City Crafter Challenge "Boo-tiful"

Hello and Good Morning

We have a colour challenge going on at City Crafter this week ... chosen by our lovely Cheryl and the primary colours are Black and Cream ... It doesn't have to be a Halloween theme but that's the route I chose to go ... using some graphics from The Graphics Fairy
I made a little Halloween plaque ...

When my husband saw this he asked why the cat was upside down ... I had to explain that the cat was above the birdie and bent her head over to say "Boo!" ... You get it don't you?

Anyway I kinda see the funny side ... I remember one of  my cats doing this when we had a fish tank on a shelf ... she got on the next shelf and bent over to watch the fish ... or scare them ...

I'm not sure if you can see the black glitter on my cat and some on the birdie ... I wanted some of that blue to come through ... reminds me of a magpie ... Scary birds I think!
Our Guest Designer this week is a talented lady from the Netherlands and someone you are probably all familiar with ... Yep, it's my sweet friend Stella ... please pop over and say "Hi" and check out her lovely creation along with the rest of the DT ...
Our sponsor is Pixie Dust Paperie ... who have a fabulous new kit out this month ... Gorgeous!
Have I convinced you to join us this week? I hope so ... I love to see your creations ...
Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day

~ Ros ~


  1. OMG, I LOVE this! Who makes that kitty stamp? I might need it.

  2. Super cute!!! Boo tiful card!! Love this .. Hugs xoxo

  3. This is pretty much the CUTEST EVER!! LOVE it soooo MUCH!!!

  4. Boo do passarinho ficou muito divertido!! Sim, dá para ver os brilhos lindos!! Adorei sua placa e seu título no post!! Bom dia!

  5. This is both darling and pretty!

  6. Oh this is totally adorable, Ros!!! I love it!!!

  7. Ros, this is super! I got the whole 'cat hanging upside down' thing right away. (sometimes husbands just don't get it LOL)

    I am happy that Stella is guesting at CCCB. She is such a dear!

  8. Ha ha Ros! This is brilliant! Love your funny take on the challenge, especially with the huge cat lover as you are ;-) Fabulous lace trimming, by the way. Have a great evening, Ira

  9. Fabulous card, Ros! I do love the cat and the bird. Have a wonderful evening.

  10. Cute cute cute..... it makes me smile just staring at the black cat!!

  11. Yes dearie I got it :) You know men......Halloween cards are not my forte but it sure is yours. I love this kitty; a lovely and gorgeous take on this weeks' challnge; I'm so happy I could join you as a GD!
    Have a lovely evening; thinking of you!

  12. This is so cute and elegant at the same time... love your kitty! Gorgeous lace!!!

  13. I knew straight away!!! He looks just like the cat on this blog! Because it's funny (& cute) you wouldn't have to just use it once a year! Lovely plaque anyhow! Ps- I'm a chic covered marzipan fan too! x

  14. Of course I get it!!! There is nothing unusual about the up side down cat - mine does it all the time! lol ;) Fabulous hanging, love the lace finishes ;)) xx

  15. This is so darn cute.. I can hear my husband saying the same thing.. Some times they just don't get it!!! I totally get it.

    Hugs, Linda

  16. I just LOVE, LOVE that cat :)

    I had one just like it, not so evil looking but quite as black :)


  17. Love how you have the cat hanging upside down! too cute and funny!


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