Friday, October 21, 2011

Flying by ...

Hi there!
I'm still here and I just haven't done much blogging lately ... though I have been keeping up with you all ... 
I am getting better each day and so far the test results have been favourable and I am hoping that today's will turn out to be good ... thank God for heat patches I say!
I managed to get a project done for Thursday Club and was able to spend time with my group ... they made owl door hangers with pockets and note pads ... I gave them each a mini calculator and pen to put in the pocket with their note pad ... they were happy!
So all I have to share today is the good news that I won the LESSology doggy bag challenge with This 
I am so thrilled! and just want to say a Big Thank you to LESSology
And a card I made for a friend of my husband who recently underwent back surgery

Using Prima Printery papers and a lovely bird image from The Graphics fairy

I hope you have a wonderful weekend ...

Till soon my friends ... thanking you for your well wishes and sweet comments

~ Ros ~


  1. Congrats on your win!!
    Your card is super pretty - I love your vintage style - so exquisite!
    Have a fab weekend!

  2. So happy to hear you are getting a little better each day. I sure hope you are ALL better real soon. Your card is just LOVELY!

  3. Hi Ros Your card is `beautiful`...I hope to catch up with you over the weekend..Iv been in Cyprus for a while..lots olf love :0 xxx

  4. Congrats!!!!!
    And this is another beautiful creation, love the Prima paper!
    Glad you feeling better now. : )

  5. Congratulations on your win Ros! It is indeed a gorgeous card! Love this elegant bird card and I don't know how you always manage to get your bows straight and pretty, you should see me, I'm a real ribbon wrestler ;-) Have a lovely evening, hugs, Ira

  6. So glad to see you back up on the blog world. I miss your cheery posts and lovely projects. Blogland is getting quieter with every day that passes. Glad you are on the mend as well. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.

  7. Lovely card, Ross! The birdie image really "lifts" it up! Simple elegance! :)))

  8. Congrats on your win !!!!!! What a beautiful thinking of you card, love the little bird. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better,have a good

  9. Oh...que duas boas notícias: ganhar o desafio e estar se sentindo melhor das costas!! Que voce esteja boa logo... Adorável cartão!! Com todo estilo Ros!!!

  10. Beautiful! A well deserved win! Loved your beautiful bag. Lovely card.

  11. Another beauty, Ros. This is wonderful and congratulations on your well deserved win!

    I hope you're feeling better soon ... we're all thinking of you.


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