Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Jingle Belles and Autumn

Hello ...
Thank you all so much for your lovely comments on the magical box ... I'm so happy that you liked it ...
I have finally got my card done for this weeks' challenge at Jingle Belles Rock - This week the theme is "Softly" falling snow ... use something on your card that you interpret as soft ... so straight onto my card 

Well I had to use 'snow' ... (flower soft with a topping of glitter) on my embossed image

and some soft felt snowflakes ... a cosy crochet heart and some delicate tulle

 ... and of course some white Broderie Anglaise lace ... these all signify 'soft' for me and I now have 43 cards ready for Christmas

... But here it is very much Autumnal ...

The trees are shedding leaves and the colours are changing but there is some confusion with the plants 

... some appear to be blooming again ... unsure if the sunshine and the cool mornings signifies spring

even the "fox and cubs" has put in a second appearance ... not wanting to miss out

... But the Holly bush is in no doubt ...

... Nor the Firethorne ...

... and the Sedum has already donned her rich wine coloured gown ...

... and as the clocks go forward this weekend ... even Autumn will be saying goodbye

Enjoy your day ...

~ Ros ~


  1. Nice Chrissy card Ros... and love your photos too... Yeah!!! time wait no man..!!!Awesome... hugs...xoxo

  2. exquisite card ... love the way you have created it to look like snow ... amazing ... love it .. hugz x
    thanks for leaving me some blog love too .. x

  3. Ros querida...quantas flores mesmo! Acho que apareceram para dizer "olá!". Vida bela!! Seu cartão natalino é super hiper ultra suave!!! beijos!

  4. Gorgeous card and photos Ros!!

  5. Beautiful card, Ros! It really looks like Christmas. and your fall photo's are wonderful. The plants may be confused, but I love when they are blooming. Have a wonderful evening.

  6. That is such a soft and pretty holiday card, congrats on having 43 of them! (kirsty<---- so jealous)

    I enjoyed your photos too, I wish we could have afternoon tea in your garden right now!

  7. Hi Ros! I love all the SOFT elements you've combined into this dreamy card! So soft and pretty, just a lovely job:) Thanks for playing my prompt at Jingle Belles! :)

  8. I had to re-read the bit of your text about the 43 (!) Christmas cards Ros ;-) You amazing woman! I haven't finished a single one yet, better get going... It's a lovely card with some fine elements on it. Your garden looks superb, don't you just love taking a stroll and see the changes? Hugs, Ira x

  9. Hi are not only polite, but a gem of a person. I take your comments with great honor. Thank you. Your art is gorgeous! Pinks and soft colors...I don't use them much but I am a totally pink person. Yours is so delicate and fine! It takes a special soul to do this type of work. Thanks in every way. Have a great weekend. Samara

  10. As usual miss ros you have come up trumps... I believe this is the 43rd time in a row?!!?! Love all of the many soft & beautiful layers you've incorporated into this stunning card! <3

  11. Photos are lovely- what a garden you must have! Sorry to see Autumn go. If all Christmases looked as beautiful as your card, then I wouldn't mind the onset of winter as much! Don't get me started on your 43-strong Christmas collection! I can boast of ermmm...8?!!! xx

  12. What a fantastic card, Ros... this is beautiful. I love the white with just the hint of color.
    LOVE the photos of your plants!

  13. Such a beautiful creation Ros. You always put so much care and thought into your projects.
    All your photos are stunning. The trees are on the last round right now. The most beautiful shades of fall. :)

  14. What a lovely card. That snow looks awesome. Thank so much for showing us your garden.. It looks wonderful..

    Hugs, Linda

  15. Love all of those sweet *soft* touches ... especially the crochet ... so glad you joined us at jingle belles.

  16. Such a pretty card Ros! Love the embossed image! Your foliage all looks so wonderful! Thanks for sharing :)

  17. So enjoyed looking at your garden! Our lavender bushes are still going too, love that!

  18. Gorgeous soft creation! Love the soft details that make it so charming. Beautiful pictures of your garden.

  19. Another beautiful Christmas card, Ros. You are amazing how everything you create is so fresh, soft, and always gorgeous. You have a wonderful start on your Holiday cards ... I am so jealous! Love the crocheted heart too!

    Weigela blooming this time of year? Goodness, it must be a warm spell there!


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