Tuesday, November 15, 2011

City Crafter ... Four Legged Friends

Hello ...
 I'm hosting this weeks' challenge at City Crafter and I am challenging you to incorporate an animal in your projects this week ... So pull out your stamps, stickers or maybe even chipboard that you have lurking around ... it can be anything from a mouse to a moose ... just as long as it has four legs
Our sponsor this week is Stretch N' Bubbles and the DT got to work with one of their digital stamps ... I chose Stripes the cat and made a really simple card  as I wanted this cutie to be my focal point ...

so I printed him straight onto DP ... painted his stripes ... his nose and his ears and glued him to CS then just cut him out ... 

All I added was the paper rose ... and just for some dimension I adhered him with foam pads 

The winner this week will get 5 digital stamps from Stretch N' Bubbles
So if you are looking for more inspiration ... check out the DT projects  and that of our Guest Designer
I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with ...

Thanks for stopping by ... have a good day

~ Ros ~


  1. So so cute... I love this Ros.... Awesome... hugs...xoxo

  2. Ros...adorei seu bichano de peuqenas bolinhas e grandes listras!!

  3. I love love your card Ros..That Pussy cat is
    Have a lovely day my `friend`:) x

  4. This is so ADORABLE Ros! LOVE it!

  5. I love your cat, sitting on a fun mat, Ros. What a fun challenge and such a cute image. Sorry your weather is getting cold, hope you are warm and cozy. It is "raining here today and we are getting lots of thunder don't know how much rain, but I will take every bit that is for sure! Have a lovely evening and fun Wednesday!

  6. Oh my gosh this is too cute. I just love that image.. I almost chose it.. It would have gone perfect with all those cat photos...

    Hugs, Linda

  7. Adorable, Ros! So very cute! Love your colour choice, the image and the fabric and ... everything!

  8. Adorable! The fabric behind the cute image adds great texture!

  9. Such a cute card!
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  10. Ah, this kitten is so cute Ros! Hugs, Ira

  11. So cute Ros. I love the little flower you added. :)

  12. Super cute! Love the adorable kitty!

  13. love this week's theme and of course your card is AWESOME!!! one of these days i will get back to doing challenges and things BESIDES real life and DTs!!! and then LOOK OUT cccb! :) :) :)

    ps: i have actually scrolled down and seen LOTS MORE projects over which i'd like to OOOOOH and AHHHHH but sadly i am outta time. can "IOU" some rave reviews??!?!?! ♥♥♥


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