Sunday, November 13, 2011

Happy Birthday and Jingle belles Card 46

Good morning ....

It's Remembrance Sunday here in the UK and it also happens to be my brother's 60th Birthday
Happy Birthday Rick ...

This is the card I made for him 

Kind of a nautical theme because he was once in the Royal Navy ... followed his fathers footsteps as did my brother Bill who is still in the RN

That lovely image is from Made By Janet at Etsy

I also have my 46th card for Jingle Belles Rock to share ... This week we are asked to use stickers on our card ... easy one ... Don't we all have stickers around? ... and Jingle Belles this week are being joined by E.A.D. Designs who are offering a prize this week ... so hop over to the blog for all the details and feast on the lovely DT creations ...

One of the blogs I follow is that of Beate who gives wonderful tutorials and when I saw her pocket card  I was smitten ... So that's what I did this week

Using papers from Melissa Frances and some stickers from my stash ... 
The sweet little stocking is a 3D sticker that I stuck to a piece card first ... then punched a hole in and tied it to the holly together with a little bell 

This is the inside tag stamped with a sentiment from WaltzingMouse "Compliments of the Season"  ... one of my all time favourites ... and again a couple more 3D stickers ... I love this pocket card so much that I'm going to make a lot more ... Well, there are only a few weeks left you know ...

Thanks so much for visiting today ...
Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Boy, that's a gorgeous male card you made for your brother Ros! Superb elements! And your Christmas card, what can I say but wow, this is superneat! Don't you just love kraft paper? Hugs, Ira

  2. What a great Christmas card - love how you can take out the tag. The birthday card is also gorgeous, I love lighthouses. Somehow, they always mean "vacation" to me :-)
    P.S. I have some blog candy if you're interested.

  3. Both your cards are just FAB! You ALWAYS do such LOVELY work Ros!

  4. Oh Ros, these are completely breathtaking...I LOVE your creations...and I hope that your brother has a happy birthday...

    This is such an important day, indeed, remembering all those who lost their lives to help us live in peace.

  5. Not one, but two beauties today (if I may call your brother's that). Love your pocket card... what a cute little stocking!!!

  6. Fabulous creations Ros! Love the gorgeous layering! :)

  7. Ros...I love them all... those are just beautiful... especially the 1st one... I can't seems to do that... looks hard for me.. but you made it look so simple!!! Hugs...xoxo

  8. Wow! Lots of beautiful cards to look at today. Hope your brother has a wonderful birthday. Love all the details on your Christmas card. Have a great Monday!

  9. Beautiful project Ros! So festive! It's like receiving TWO awesome cards in ONE!

  10. Hi my friend !!!
    I just love those cards, the first one is very sentimental and the second one ....i´s a great project!!!
    I love all you have done.
    I wish a wonderful week.
    Kisses and huges

  11. Lovely work Ros, I love them both, so very different but both so lovely!!!

  12. What a fabulous pocket card ... and I love that sweet little stocking ... so glad you got *sticky* with us at jingle belles.

  13. Both these cards are beautiful. I just love the image on that first card.. perfect for a male card.. And such a pretty pocket card you made. That stocking is too cute!!!

    Hugs, Linda

  14. Parabéns ao seu irmão! Ele deve ter visto vários lugares lindos sendo da marinha!! Que cartões mais delicados! o Natalino tem papéis M. Frances lindos demais!!!

  15. fabulous birthday card Ros! I love the nautical theme you have used paired with the piece of burlap and then those fun stitches! Your tag in an envie is as sweet as can be! Cute little stocking!

  16. `Happy belated` b`day to your brother.His card is beautiful.I hope he had a nice day:)
    Your pocet card is beautiful..crickey how quick does Christmas come round Ros!!!TFI:) x

  17. oh, oh, OHHHHHH!!! now that is a brilliant idea and you've interpreted it in such a beaaaaaaaaaaautiful and "ros like" way!!! (trust me, the latter is the ultimate compliment; i ALWAYS know your stuff when i see it right away!!!) great and clever use of stickers, as well, especially that adorable (& now dangly) stocking!!! ♥

  18. I love your pocket card. The pretty Christmas embellishments are perfect. Beate always has some of the best projects on her blog. I have learned a lot from her as well. :)

  19. So hard to decide which is more wonderful. Love the burlap and the lighthouse. The Tag is adorable. Beautiful holiday card.

  20. Oh, such a beautiful pocket card and that sweet little sticker with the gorgeous bow. WOW!


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