Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tree n' tags

Hello ... I'm sorry I have not been around much ... 

Did you enjoy your Thanksgiving day? 
It's a very windy day here ... in fact a cargo ship has gone down somewhere in the Irish sea due to the weather ... so far 6 people are missing ... Please God they are found well

I have just a little folded tree to share today ... you know those little magazines that the supermarkets and shops are always pushing on us this time of year ... well I kinda up-cycled one

So easy to do whilst watching TV or listening to the radio

Are you seeing the glitter?
And what about a few little snowy tags to go with it ...

Yes I've been playing around with my new Silhouette Cameo to make these tags  ... 

I have to confess that at first there was a lot of CS in the bin ... and I was getting very frustrated with it all ... No matter what I did it just wasn't cutting properly .. or I couldn't get anything off the mat without destroying everything completely!
It is a simple machine to use and the tutorials are very good  and I've no doubt that with practice I will come to love it as much as I do my Big Shot ...
I think the problem is that never having had one of these electronic machines .. I was a bit wary and a great deal of the result has to do with the mat or rather the stickiness of it .. brand new it is extremely sticky and none of the tutorials show you what to do when CS gets chewed. Ok they want to sell their machines so all the good points are covered ... but just sometimes it would be helpful to reveal some of the problems that can occur so someone like me doesn't feel a complete idiot!
Would I recommend it? Yes I would ... it suits my needs ... the freedom to be able to order exactly what I want without buying a full cartridge ... and I love that I can design everything on my computer screen ... so much easier for me to see ... so I'll keep practicing and be a little more confident 

I hope you have a wonderful Sunday ... thanks so much for stopping by

~ Ros ~


  1. Ros, wow!!!! Your tree and your tags look amazing! Beautiful job!
    Have a great week.
    Hugs and smiles

  2. Lovely up-cycled tree and cute little tags! Don't give up, Ros! No idea what CS is, must have missed your previous posts. But I have MM Slice and am somewhat happy... I don't think there is my SUPER PERFECT electronic/mechanic die cutting machine out there yet... Have a lovely Sunday. Windy here as well.. hugs xx

  3. Well, the tags are stunning. I love the cute trees. I can tell you from experience with my Cricut and sticky mats...the type of cardstock makes all the difference. It can't be too thin or too thick. If it is tearing, then it sounds like that is the problem. Did yours come with a tool? If not, you must get one to lift them carefully off the mat. I will be pulling out my cricut here very soon. All tags dies are out of stock so I guess I will be using it again. :)

  4. LOOOOOVE that tree and those FAB tags! Hope that you get the problems with the Silhouette worked out. Yes, I agree...a little info on potential problems and how to solve them would be a wonderful idea.

  5. You just do this kind of folding so well Ros, love that snowflake on top. And your tags are supercute, even though you had to throw quite a few away. It's nice to hear that you love playing around with your new machine though ;-) Hugs, Ira

  6. Love the folded tree! The snowflake on top is beautiful. Your tags are fantastic!

  7. what a brilliant idea! great project and Im in love with that snowflake perched atop your tree! wonderful.
    sorry to hear you are having a rough time with your new machine. i agree, a lot of practice and trial and error leads to discoveries on how to get it working just right. It was like that when I got my Slice machine awhile back.

  8. Hope you get the hang of your new machine quickly... I'm sure it will be a big blessing to you!
    Love you tree tags. That's what I'm working on now, too! Have to get a stock of these done before the gift wrapping starts.

  9. Bela árvore!1 E suas tags ficaram ótimas, pelo jeito realmente a prática te leva ao domínio! Os cortes estão ótimos!! Bom começo de semana, querida!

  10. What a cool looking tree Ros! Love the shimmery snowflake at the top and those tags are the cutest!

  11. YAY... Yup.. a little more practice would be right!!!... Love your tree... and those tags ..cute!!... Oh no not good... hopefully the weather get more settle... hugs..xoxo

  12. Love your tree, Ros! and your tags. That is the problem I had with my cricut, it either did not cut or everything stuck to the mat. So it sits unused to this day. Dies are expensive, but I do love my Big Shot, too. Sorry about the ship going down, maybe they will find and rescue, although I no the North Sea is freezing this time of year. It is so sad, we really don't think of ships going down anymore. Hope you have a lovely Monday. It is really cold here tonight and we are expecting the first freeze, it is really quite late in the year. Take care!

  13. Such a lovely christmas tree and a lot of cute holiday tags!!!!

  14. Your folded tree looks gorgeous, what a clever idea and your tags look fabulous.xxxx

  15. What a fun Christmas tree you have made. And all those great tags are so cute.. Looks like your getting ready for Christmas my friend..

    Hugs, Linda

  16. Terrific tree, Ros, but those 3D tree tags are just the cutest!

    I had the same problem with both my Pazzles mat and my Cricut mats when they were new. I'm not sure if this will help, but when the mats are new (or newly scrubbed) they are super tacky and destroy my card stock so I
    #1 barely touch the card stock to the mat,
    #2 only use very heavy card stock at first (80lb or heavier), and
    #3 drop the mat sticky side down on a rug!

    With LOTS of use, your mat will eventually get less tacky and your card stock will slide around while the machine is cutting. Use a baby wipe on the mat (I use the Costco brand baby wipes). The mat will dry very quickly and become tacky again. I have had my Cricut for 1 year now, and I just had to scrub it hard with a plastic scrubby. Now it is not tacky enough, but I used my EKSuccess Zig 2 way glue (the fat one…at Michael's) on it. I let the mat dry over night…worked like a charm! Just like having a new mat.

    I hope this helps you :)


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