Tuesday, December 06, 2011

City Crafter Home for the Holidays

Good morning friends
A new challenge at  City Crafter begins today and Cheryl is hosting for us this week... 
The challenge she has set for us is to either
make a card with a 'Home' on or make a Home Decor project
I chose to go with the Home Decor and took my inspiration from Here ... though mine is not a favor box just a decoration ...

I used the cardboard from a kitchen roll for the log ... used TH distress stains to paint the ends first then covered it with the paper printed from the Martha Stewart site

Decorating it was easy .. using bits of Christmas decorations and a tiny little robin with a little nest... then lots of Diamond Dust for the 'snow' ... even his nest feathers are frosted ... awww!

and for the end of the log ... I took some crepe paper ... painted that with inks and stuffed it into each end of  the roll ... so simple!

So now it's your turn to "Wow" us with your creations ... 
We have a wonderful Guest Designer this week ... sweet Rebekah Faries who makes the most beautiful vintage cards ...  her blog is well worth a visit ...
And our generous sponsor this week is my lovely Dutch buddy ... Stella ... you won't want to miss the chance to win the gift on offer this week!
So now all you have to do is go visit the blog ... check out the projects, the fabulous prize and get crafting...

See you there!

~ Ros ~


  1. Ros when I first saw this I truly thought you had decorated a real log and then I read further and realized its paper! What an incredible reproduction Ros! It's absolutley beautiful and I was going to say if it is real I would have a hard time burning the log because this is too beautiful to part the decorations from! I love that you will have this for years to display without worry of natural elements. Just in awe of your talent. Great distressing to make this look like a real log. Way to create Ros!

  2. O que é a criatividade...transformar um rolo de cozinha em um maravilhoso enfeite!! Obrigada sempre pelos lindos projetos!!!

  3. I totally thought it was a real log, too! Sooooo GORGEOUS and CLEVER and FAB Ros! I'm in AWE!

  4. Hi Ros,
    I thought it was a real log too!!! How completely gorgeous, my friend...so intricate--totally BEAUTIFUL!!!

  5. This is absolutely gorgeous! such a fabulous idea, Ros! Love the log especially. It is 36 and sunny here, was down below freezing last night. sorry I can't convert from F to C in my head, but it was great sleeping weather. Have a wonderful day.

  6. Such a beautiful project Ros! Love that sweet little bird and all the shimmery goodness!

  7. WOW!!! I just love this!! You crafty gal you!!!

    Hugs, Linda

  8. This is fantastic! Love your faux log and the bird is so sweet!

  9. wow! I'm blown away. This is spectacular:) you've got such creative talents my friend! Love the little birdie in his nest. So sweet:)

  10. It's gorgeous!
    Beautiful design:)
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  11. Ros, this is stunning!!! Love the little robin and the log looks fab!!! ;)

  12. OH my Ros... you are so clever... this is amazing deco...perfect for Christmas... You awesome... hugs..xoxo

  13. So very very sweet Ros! I would never have guesed what you started with. LOL Wonderful inspiration for this weeks challenge. :-)

  14. This is WONDERFUL Ros, what a lovely piece of art!!!!

  15. I actually thought this was a real robin Ros! Your ornament looks like a true log, goodness, how you alter things, amazing!! Hugs, Ira

  16. holy toledo...this is paper??? I thought it was real too.. soo sweet!

  17. OK - I thought this was a real log. Wow, this looks incredible! I love the bird .... so sweet and I think you used just the right amount of Diamond Dust!

  18. Ros :) this is totally stunning!! love it :)

  19. Martha Stewart will be jealous (and she should be :)....) You create magic and I love love love how this turned out. This is a GORGEOUS centerpiece and you did a fabulous job. Wow!


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