Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy Mail and Strange happenings

A while ago I contributed a few short stories to a book written by sweet Cindy Adkins ... Angel stories... and I have many untold ones ... Things that I can't explain ... if you are reading this Cindy ... here's a new one for you...

A couple of days ago my back went into spasm again ... more than likely due to my limping ... I've been trying to get my appointment with the foot specialist for ages ... so all in all I don't sleep too well and I'm often up in the night trying to relieve my foot pain or my stiff back ...
The night before last I was in a fair bit of pain and lack of sleep was not helping ... after being awake for several hours I finally fell asleep asking God to please help me out here. The next thing I knew I felt immense pain shoot through my foot ...  someone ... something ... was manipulating my foot ... I swear to you I had no control over the movements and it was agony ... I was wriggling about trying to pull away yet I couldn't ... But ... after that ... my foot pain eased and I am no longer limping ... and I can't explain it at all ...

Today I finally get the call I am waiting for ... the hospital with an appointment for me ... the earliest appointment they have? 12th January ... which just happens to be my birthday ... so ok ... I've had worse ... I actually had major surgery on my 40th ... so I accept the appointment only to find out that my foot consultant is called Doctor Toe ... "You're having a laugh ... " I say to the lady on the phone ... but no, she is serious ... Sometimes Angels have a sense of humour!

And to cheer me further ... I got not one but two Happy Mail packages today ... 
I was fortunate enough to win a lovely stamp pack from the ever so talented Suzanne Czosek
This set ...

and it arrived today ... but look what came with it ...

One of her fabulous cards ... and ... all this 

Look at this ribbon lace

Sue, Thank you ever so much ... You are one lovely lady ... I am thrilled to bits!

The other package came quite unexpectedly from my dear friend Ira ... I fell in love with her latest card and little did I know it was winging it's way over to me ...

I absolutely adore this and I am going to put it in a frame
along with it came 2 beautifully wrapped gifts ... for my upcoming birthday ... I just had to open them ...
Look at this ...

A gorgeous stamp set and the most stunning dimensional butterfly stickers
Thank You Ira ... I am beyond delighted at your thoughtfulness ...

 Thank you to the Angels both earthly and ethereal who have shown me humour when I'm down, and kindness when I most need it ...

Have a lovely Day

~ Ros ~


  1. Your story gave me goose bumps Ros... I, too, believe there's so much more than meets the eye, as long as you allow your heart to open up and don't block any feelings. I'm glad that your pain has become less. And how lovely to see you got some happy mail today ;-) Suzanne sent you super sweet stamps and other lovely goodies for you to work with. And you're welcome to your birthday presents, this time the mailman worked like Superman ;-) Hugs, Ira x

  2. Oh my gosh, Ros, this story is amazing!!! I just know that it had to be angels helping you!! I didn't know that your birthday is on the 12th..mine is the 5th...we're both Capricorns!

    I love your gorgeous gifts from such special friends--and I remember this card Ira made and I fell in love with it too!

    I hope that all will be well...and I hope that you will have total relief.

    12 days after my 40th birthday, the earthquake hit in Calif. and I was in the epicenter and we lost everything--we are lucky we lived, but the shock of it lasted for years. Here's the weird part, 3 weeks before, I said to my husband and my best friend, "Something terrible is going to happen...I don't know what it is, but it will be devastating." Little did I know it was an earthquake....3 blocks from my house the freeway fell down...Our own renovation took 9 months...

    I hope that you will have a speedy recovery from this AND I love how your angels have a sense of humor!!!

  3. Ros-that's an incredible story and I certainly believe in the power of prayer and God's amazing healing powers. Wow! I am glad the pain subsided and you are able to see a specialist very soon. Hope Dr. Toe can resolve the issue and make you well again. Fantastic happy mail you received!

  4. WOW!! What an amazing story. I do believe there are angels watching over us.. I do hope you pain is less now..
    Looks like you got some wonderful goodies in the mail..

    Hugs, Linda

  5. glad you are feeling better, dear ros! just stopping by to say hi and spread some love. wonderful goodies from talented ladies. wishing you a wonderful new year and birthday! big *hugs* and much aloha to you, steph :)

  6. What an amazing story, and that Dr. Toe, how funny!!!

  7. Hoping your recovery continues speedily and you get relief really soon. Things happen that we don't understand sometimes; that is true! So lovely to get surprise mail- sounded like you needed a little lift xx

  8. What an AMAZING story Ros! I have no doubt you have have angels helping you! What LOVELY happy mail!

  9. How very strange, Ros. I hope you are still pain free.

    Beautiful happy mail.

    Chris x

  10. I have had something strange like this happen to me many years ago. I must have a guardian angel.

    Best wishes with your upcoming surgery with Dr. Toe :)

    Enjoy your happy mail :)

    Happy New Year!!!

  11. I hope you pain is bearable these days and that you do get to sleep. And I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the 12th!


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