Friday, December 16, 2011

More gifts ...

Hello ... are you well?
What a busy time of year it is ... and right now it has started to snow here ... 
I have a few gifts to share ... some to give and some I received ...

As an alternative to the little bags on This post ... I made some boxes for my friends from Pilates ... 

glittered them up and filled them with some lovely little biscuits ...

... gave them each a battery operated candle to put in later

... they were thrilled!

This week I have received some lovely goodies from you sweet blog friends ... My hubby is very taken with all the foreign stamps! 

This beauty came all the way from Brazil ... from sweet Jacira ...
Her cards are always so pretty ... full detail and a joy to own ... Thank you my sweet friend

This fabulous set came from none other than the lovely Linda Robinson ... Wow! what beauties ... I adore that cute reindeer ... and I've always wondered what that Tazo tasted like and those Ghiraradelli  squares ... now I can find out!
Thank you my friend!

Then this arrived from my dear friend Deb Hickman ... one day we will meet up ... we are only about 100 miles from each other...

Now I was going to save this till Christmas day ... but I couldn't resist ... 
Look at these ...

Have you ever seen anything like it? ... Button Soaps!! Just about as cute as can be!
Thank you so much Deb ... they are gorgeous! 

Now it's time for a coffee and then I am going to pay you all a visit ...

Have a wonderful day 

~ Ros ~


  1. What lovely happy mail... gorgeous cards, dear friend, and I love those button soaps... how cute! Your boxes are so pretty... your friends will be thrilled to receive them.
    Enjoy this beautiful Christmas season!

  2. The gift bags are beautiful, it's a gift in it's self. Glad you liked your soaps, I thought it was a perfect gift for my crafty friends.
    We will definitely meet up, hopefully next year. I really want to visit Liverpool again or I'll be heading to Cheshire Oaks when I have some spare

  3. Wow, those boxes look amazing! And how sweet is your happy mail.
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Hugs and smiles

  4. Gorgeus!
    Ros, Nice to meet you. Thank you for your visit.
    Your blog is "muy bonito".

  5. Que máximo os botões sabonetes!!! Suas sacolas Natalinas são lindas, os presenteados irão amar, os doces ficam com certeza ainda mais gostosos!! Belos presentes voce ganhou!!

  6. Ros, I love your boxes! You are making me want a cutting machine like yours. Just gorgeous! and the gifts are so nice! Have a wonderful evening, and enjoy the weekend!

  7. Those boxes are so `pretty` Ros...looks like your enjoying youjr machine..
    Your gifts and cards are delicious especially those soaps!!!WoW
    TFS Enjoy the rest of your weekend:) xxx

  8. Lovely project with silhouette!!! They sure make great gifts!
    Those happy mails just make me happy, even they are not mine, LOL!
    I can't believe you and Deb haven't meet up yet, only 100 miles away, hurry hurry!!!!

  9. How lovely to see your happy mail Ros! Fabulous creations, as are your boxes, they're absolutely wonderful gifts! Hugs, Ira

  10. Those boxes are soooo LOVELY!! Such FUN happy mail!!!

  11. Quanto presente lindo! Adorei o seu trabalho para o City Crafter Challenge desta semana! Beijocas.

  12. So many yummy gifts my friend.. I just know you will enjoy!!

    Hugs, Linda

  13. I'm really loving these boxes Ros! They're so pretty. :-) Enjoy all your goodies. Hugs!

  14. WOW... You are lucky duck Ros... love them all... awesome... hugs..xoxo

  15. Wonderful lacy and elegant boxes. Your gifts are lovely and so great to receive goodies in the mail.


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