Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

Yesterday was a kind of sweet and sour day ... It was my birthday ... but also one of those days when wonder if you've landed in another dimension ... when nothing is as you planned and very quickly everything starts going downhill ... It was the one morning I didn't read my 365 day devotional ... I should have ... because when I read it I would have know it was going to be one of 'those' days 

Quote from January 12

Let me prepare you for the day that stretches out before you. I know exactly what this day will contain whereas you only have a vague idea ....... 
.......... I will not show you the road ahead but I will equip you for the journey ....

Perhaps the cat (now legally adopted by us, I might add) howling from 6am to 7:30 should have alerted me ... then again it should have been when I walked down the stairs admiring my newly decorated walls ... only to see huge great marks on the paper ... But, No - I remained optimistic ... these things could (and would) be fixed ... It's my birthday ... All will be well ... And my friends were coming today ...

 Have you ever put washing in your machine only to find someone left a tissue in a pocket and everything is covered in fibres? Well that was the next thing to happen ... except it wasn't a tissue ... is was a throw ... and all the washing was covered in a trillion fibres ... At this point I was beginning to think I'd slept a day ... surely this was Friday 13th?... 
But it was seeing the only room in the house - where I had planned to sit and chat with my friends, put up my cards and display my flowers ... had been painted ... Yep, painted ... by my husband... It was then  that a great big lump rose in my throat ...

But things picked up ... My so apologetic DH fixed up the room for my guests ... and everyone and I do mean everyone ... decorators included ... turned up at the same time!!??
So yes lots of things went wrong'(I'm not even going to get on the subject of my hospital appointment ... nor how a container of sugar ended up on my floor) ...
But then lots of good things happened too ... I had a visit from friends from the old neighbourhood ... and my old work friend too ... I had lovely bouquets of flowers

Fabulous cards ... including this gorgeous handmade card from Cindy all the way from New Orleans

and these beauties from Stella

together with some prettily wrapped packages

ok ... there was another one but I was impatient and opened it before I thought to take a picture ... so here are the contents

Just look at the gorgeous bracelet 

And as well as all this ... CCCB put a post on especially for me and my lovely DT colleagues made me beautiful cards ...

"Thank You"

To all of you ... 
To all of you who left messages on Facebook ... all of you who sent e-cards ... all of you who emailed and to all of you who left comments and birthday wishes ... you are the nicest most thoughtful people on the planet and I really appreciate your friendship

Have a Wonderful Day

~ Ros ~


  1. Belated Birthday wishes! Happy Happy Birthday! I hope today was much better for you!

  2. It's indeed just "one of those days", you poor girl, luckily for you there are new days ahead where things will pick up again. It's nice to see you received so many beautiful birthday gifts from our friends Ros, enjoy! Ira x

  3. Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Ros. Apart from all those things that were not so nice...I'm pleased you enjoyed the lovely parts your special day. Your lovely friends, and family did you proud, what beautiful cards, flowers and gifts you received...Lucky girl! xx

    Hope today is much better for you. Friday 13th has NOT been good here, so far...lots of depressing news:(

  4. Oh Ros...I am so sorry you had "one of those days" on your birthday! !! I'm happy you had a little bit of loveliness to make up for it. I hope today goes a little smoother! ! HUGS!!!

  5. Oh Ros! Do you think this was how your mother's day started out the day you were born? I am just hoping the 13th won't involve anything harrowing. As for the cat, she was wishing you Happy Birthday, and wanted to be first. I don't know why I always forget birthdays that are not in my family, so I am sorry your card will be late. But, I am so glad your day was a good one!

  6. Hi Ros...well lots of those days for me lately..Your flowers and cards and gifts are soo beautiful..
    `Happy Belated Birthday` for yesterday..
    Hope you get your card soon sorry it`s a little late..
    Have a lovely weekend my `friend` :) xxx

  7. Yeeeeey!!! What a day!!!! ;))) Sending you warmest thoughts and hugs ;) xx

  8. Some days are for living and others are for just getting through. I'm sorry your day didn't go as planned. I hope your friends lifted your spirits with their gifts and well wishes. Happy Birthday Ros!

  9. Sorry to hear you had a rough morning on your Birthday. Sounds like the day ended well. Happy belated birthday. By the way we share the same birth date and my morning went well. I thanked The Good Lord for giving me another day to serve Him. Wishing you an awesome weekend.

  10. I love your new bracelet, I want one just like it!

    It looks like you had a great birthday even though it wasn't exactly what you planned!



  11. Sorry to hear about your Friday 13th, but so glad that everything pick up later in the day. whew......
    and it will be ALL GOOD after that!!!

  12. Hi Ros,
    Oh gosh, what a birthday! But, I sure love all your goodies!! That bracelet is purely amazing!!!

    I hope you're having a beautiful weekend, my friend. You are one special person!

  13. I am so sorry that you had a Firday the 13th on the 12rh. Poor you.... I am glad you liked your package. Love that beautiful bouquet of flowers.
    Have a lovely evening.....

  14. I am so sorry that you had a Firday the 13th on the 12rh. Poor you.... I am glad you liked your package. Love that beautiful bouquet of flowers.
    Have a lovely evening.....

  15. Oh no! What a mixed-up day. L late very Happy Birthday from me. I hope you felt on reflection that it had still been a good birthday despite everything. Hope the weekend has improved. Your cards & flowers are beautiful-thats bound to lift your spirits xx

  16. Happy Birthday Ros! What wonderful gifts! Hope you had the best day ever!

  17. Oh, Ros, I'm so sorry your day started out so poorly, and on your birthday as well! Massive hugs for that.. I'm happy that things picked up for you though- those flowers and cards are so lovely and those gifts- wow!

    Happy belated birthday to you and I hope the rest of your 'new' year will run much more smoothly. Take care! x

  18. Well I am sure everything is better by now my sweet friend. So sorry that all had to happen to you on your birthday. Just not right!!

    Hugs, Linda

  19. So happy it turned around for you! What lovely flowers and beautiful cards plus gorgeous wrapped gifts! Best part is it is behind you now! :-)

  20. Sorry to hear so many things went wrong for your special day. It sounds like it stared looking up as day the progressed. Looks like you got some pretty cards and goodies too.

    Happy Birthday!


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