Tuesday, February 14, 2012

City Crafter "Perfect Pair"

I hope you have a wonderful day filled with love ......

And as it's Tuesday and that means another challenge at City Crafter hosted this week by our lovely creator Kirsty ...
Kirsty has given us this lovely photo and 2 colours to work with for this challenge 

The challenge is to create 2 cards ... of the same design ... the main colour has to be as shown in the circles ... but you can use accent colours from the photo ...
Great challenge don't you think? ... Here's what I came up with

I'm struggling with photos lately so I apologise if they are a bit blurred

Seeing the inspiration photo ... I just had to go with dresses

These were cut on the Silhouette as were the cards ... the papers are from my huge box of scraps and forlorn papers ... some that I've had forever and always keep "just in case" ... in this instance the colours were just perfect! And I'm not sure if you can see ... but I even painted the tulle with matching distress stains.

Our Guest Designer this week is Lilia   a very talented lady who would love you to visit and say "Hi"
and our generous sponsor this week is Crop Stop ... somewhere else you need to visit ... so many fabulous goods for creating just about anything! 
Full details of the challenge and the prize can be found on the City Crafter blog ... along with the creations from our DT and our GD to give you inspiration should you need it ...
Every week we are blown away by your talents and inspired by you! Thanks so much to all of you who support us each week and new visitors are always welcome ... so don't be shy ... come and join us

Enjoy your day 

~ Ros ~


  1. wow! the dresses are fantastic. Colouring the tulle?!! clever you! I love how you've made the dress 3D too. Hope you have a lovely Valentines Day xx

  2. Que inspiração bela voce está nos fornecendo com seus cartões vestidos!! Seus papéis sempre são maravilhosos em suas combinações!!

  3. Two beautiful cards, Ros. Love the pretty colours:)

  4. These are lovely Ros! The dresses are so beautifully done! I love the border you added for extra texture! Happy hearts day!

  5. Happy Valentine's Day Ros! LOVE these LOVELY cards! The lace peeking out from those dresses is the perfect touch!

  6. Your cards are gorgeous. Such a wonderful design. You know I just love them..

    Happy Valentine's day to you my friend..

    Hugs, Linda

  7. Fabulous cards, Ros, I love those dresses! Wonderful challenge photo. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

  8. OMG! I just love these dresses, I lvoe what you've done with the lace underneath them, it looks fabulous! xxx

  9. Your take on the colors and the photo inspiration is spot on. You nailed the challenge dearie. These dresses make me think of the 50's. Love the shape and youe cards turned out gorgeous!
    Have a lovely evening..

  10. Both of these are so pretty Ros! Love the dimension! Happy Valentine's Day!

  11. WOW... These cards can't be any cuter!!! I totally love them...Those dresses are so pretty!!! You rocked!!! hugs...xoxo

  12. Now that's a tremendously fabulous take on the challenge, love your pretty dresses Ros!

  13. Those little dresses are just so stinkin' cute Ros! Love 'em. Those colors are perfect for them. :-) Hugs!

  14. Love your pretty party frocks! Lovely cards!

  15. WOW, Ros, these are the most gorgeous cards--I adore those fabulous dresses, my friend. Thank you so much for letting me know about being spotlighted--I ddin't even know it...I'm so glad you told me! I hope you're having a beautiful weekend!!

  16. Stylish they are, these cards - fancy design!


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