Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Blog Pillow ... City Crafter Challenge

Hi there ...
It's time for another challenge at City Crafter ... And can you believe this week it is our 100th challenge? 
My how the weeks fly by ...
This week our lovely Kirsty creator of City Crafter is hosting for us and the challenge she has set us is 
"Things in My Heart"
In other words ... create a project that pertains to things in your heart right now ... this can be anything from perhaps your loved ones to a form of art that you love right now ... there are no boundaries so just let your creativity flow ...

For me right now I am loving printing on fabric and making things from it ... you've seen some of my pin cushions and hearts ... I also love blogging ... being part of this wonderful group of creativity all over the world ...
So it was a simple choice for me to make ... a pillow with my blog header on it 

This sits on my bed so I can always be reminded of the wonderful friends I have out there and the things I have learned 

The blog header was made and designed by me using graphics from the fabulous Graphics Fairy ... which I shall be linking this up to for Brag Monday ...
 I printed it onto white cotton fabric which I then stitched to a calico fabric ...

... added some lace, ribbons and buttons and attached the whole thing to a pillow case cut from the same white fabric... edged with more lace ... Then I just sewed it all together and made a filling for it 

This week we are offering a Guest Designer spot to the winner of the challenge ... so I do hope you will join us and show us what is in your heart right now.

Thanks so much for stopping by ... I know the rest of the DT will be thrilled if you hop over and check out their creations ... and also that of our Guest Designer this week ... Sabrina Radeck ... her beautiful creations can also be found Here

I'm enjoying spending time with my sweet Aunt ... so I'll bid you all a wonderful day and catch you soon

~ Ros ~


  1. This is so pretty Ros...love the pillow...and it looks pretty as your banner... this is Awesome... miss ya.... hugs...xoxo

  2. Ros...este é realmente um projeto do coração...seu cabeçalho!!! Tenho amado muito suas impressões em tecido, são únicas! Parabéns por todo esse trabalho...


  4. Ros, your blog header and your pillow look amazing. You are so talented!
    Hugs and smiles

  5. Whoa Ros, you and your sewing machine work miracles together! Your pillow is adorable, made to perfection, as you make everything. Very very pretty indeed you talented lady!

  6. I have never given that a try. You can make so many beautiful thing when you print of fabric..

    Your pillow is gorgeous. makes me want to give it a try..

    Hugs, Linda

  7. Gorgeous pillow, Ros and your blog header is awesome! Wonderful challenge. Enjoy your Tuesday evening and have a wonderful Wednesday!

  8. It's gorgeous!
    Beautiful work:)
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  9. Ros this is lovely; a gorgeous pillow based upon that beautiful blog header on your blog. And the idea that you are thinking of us when you go to bed :) You are such a sweetie!
    There is something in that image filled with birds and butterflies that took my breath away. It has something vintage, shabby, nostalgic and elegant. A precious pillow, a priceless keepsake!
    Have a lovely time with your aunt!

  10. Wow! Quite the project, and beautiful. I love the print, it's gorgeous!

  11. What a beautiful creation and useful at the same time. How talented you are, dear friend!

  12. Ros, this is breathtaking! Such a beautiful pillow, a treasured heirloom for-sure! Beautiful stitching!

  13. Hi Ros,
    I love birds, butterflies and flowers, so your blog header has all my favourite things. It's so beautiful and looks amazing transferred onto your pretty pillow. You always think of such wonderful creative ideas xx

  14. Hi Ros, I've just been catching up on your blog - it's been a while...

    You've created some beautiful projects over the last few weeks but this has to be my absolute favourite. It is just totally gorgeous, you make me want to get out my sewing machine

  15. Wow Ros! What a beautiful pillow! Thanks for the inspiration!

  16. You have hit the big time Ros! You've gone pillow! LOL What a cute project and a fun way to tie your blogging into your home decor. It's beautiful! :-)

  17. This could be just THE BEST project for this week challenge, not only the pillow is beautiful, I love that it has your signature blog header on there, it is truly telling us what you are loving right now, totally cool!

  18. Ros, I love this project! The print turned out beautiful on fabric. What a great idea. You did a wonderful job.

  19. what a beautiful pillow! You are teaching me new things indeed! I wonder if I can create them as beautifully as you? Hmmm. Worth a try! Thanks for your inspiration!

  20. What a stunning pillow! Love the images and your lacey edges gorgeous!


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