Friday, May 11, 2012

Flourishes Timeless Tuesday ~ FTTC168

I've made a few changes lately ... Sometimes Life calls for that 
I love creating, making projects for my Thursday club to assemble ... last week I made 20 exploding boxes with embellishments ... ready for them to put together ... how sweet they looked carrying them home ... and being on Design Teams is a dream come true ... 
But with everything else in life ... I was very much lacking in time ... Time to create "just because" ... and little time to enter challenges and support the wonderful blogs who take the trouble to set these challenges.

Having now enlisted help at Thursday club ... Hopefully I will now only have to come up with a project every 4 weeks ... and after 6 years I have stepped back from philosophy class too ... 
So with my DT projects up to date ... I was able to just create with no pressure

I'd had this little heart box for ages ... and there she sat ... naked ... just waiting to be adorned ... 
At Flourishes Timeless Tuesday ... Silke (who makes the most beautiful cards) has set a challenge to use Pink ... 
So pink it is

Papers from Melissa Frances ...

... Rose from Hobbycraft ... trinkets from my box of old and odd bit of jewellery ... Yep, that key and the heart came from earrings ...

Tiny little beads ... I hand stitched onto the lace which I overlaid on satin ribbon

Now she looks much better and I feel better too

Have a lovely day

~ Ros ~


  1. Yes, changes are inevitable from time to time...
    Your box is so very pretty now! The soft pink is perfect for the heart-shaped box and your style of embellishing things is unequalled!
    Enjoy you weekend!

  2. it's so lovely! I love the little stitched on beads. Having that little down time to be free with your creativity really is a blessing and stress reliever. This bit of gorgeousness is a smile maker. :-) Hugs!

  3. Oh so beautiful... doesn't everything look prettier in pink? Love your work, dear lady! Keep showing us more!

  4. So glad to hear you have found time to create...just because! This is so GORGEOUS Ros!

  5. Wow! Sweet beautiful heart shaped box! Love the flowers, beads, and trinkets you added! It makes for a very lovely creation!

  6. Absolutely stunning!
    Gorgeous box, beautiful colours and details:)
    Have a lovely weekend, hugs:)

  7. Wow, isn't this box amazing! Isn't it great to create without time restrictions...this is fabulous, Ros!

  8. WOW Ros... Your box is so pretty... I love it... Enjoy Weekend... and HAPPY Mothers Day to you too... hugs..xoxo

  9. Beautiful heart and gorgeous details!

  10. What a gorgeous box.. So many yummy details. That bit of lace and tulle look so pretty! Hope you are having a happy weekend..


  11. Seems like that sweet little box was waiting for your creative hands all this time Ros, this is so romantic, those tiny beads are gorgeous. Your heart box would be perfect in any French boudoir! Hugs, Ira

  12. Gorgeous box, Ros! Love the pink theme and the charms ;))

  13. Beautifully decorated pink a licious heart box. Love the embellishments. Thanks for sharing at FTTC.

  14. That is a sweet and lovely trinket box!
    Happy Mother's Day to you, I know that in the UK is different date as in the US, but regardless, still like to wish you Happy Mother's day to you as I know you are a great mother to your dear son Mikey!

  15. I agree sometimes you have to change some things in your life to make things easier.
    Oh my gosh, the box is gorgeous, I love how you use old jewelery as charms, such a good idea. Deb xxx

  16. Beautiful box, Ros, love all the tiny things you added to make it so pretty! Life does get too much sometimes. I am glad someone is ahead with projects, alas I am behind! Have a wonderful day.

  17. WOWZER Ros...this is one exquisite gift box...I love it! Love all the pink and the perfect details!!! Thank you for playing the FTTC and your sweet comment :) !!! Hugs ~S~

  18. this is lovely Ros with the pink and tulle that make it so pretty! Can't let a naked box sit around. ;-) You are forever creating beautiful pieces!

  19. Stunning project Ros! Love the MF DP! Thanks for joining along with FTTC :)

  20. Paring back in life obviously has caused more artistic flourishes!! Beautiful box. Changes are hard - hope you're settling into them and enjoying a bit more head space and time to just be! xx

  21. Oh yes, this is Beautiful!!! I believe the juices flow when you craft for fun however your all your DT projects are always stunning!


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