Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Kirsty!!!

Yes today my sweet and lovely friend Kirsty is celebrating her birthday ... 
I sent her card and gift a while ago and I know she already has them ... 
This is her card

"Kirsty I hope you have a wonderful day ... you deserve the best!"

We are also celebrating over at City Crafter where you can leave a birthday wish for Kirsty too 
See you tomorrow for another new challenge ...

~ Ros ~


  1. I already saw your beautiful card on Kirsty's blog, it's so sweet and elegant, truly lovely!

  2. Gorgeous card for Kirsty... I'm sure she will love this to bits... hugs...xoxo

  3. So BEAUTIFUL Ros!! Happy Birthday to Kirsty!!!

  4. Such a pretty card Ros! Love the beautiful bird and little post cards! Surely your friend will treasure this :)

  5. What a beautiful card, Ros, love all the green! Such a wonderful card for your sweet friend! Have a wonderful evening!

  6. Such a gorgeous card, love the little charm. Deb xxxx

  7. Your card looks so pretty. Kirsty is just going to love it...


  8. wow this is beautiful! She will be tickled to see this in her mailbox Ros!

  9. This is a very "Kirsty" card Ros. You did good girl! Hugs!


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